Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The “Rebecca Love Spoon” March 11 2015

This Carved Celtic style Love Spoon is named the “Rebecca Love Spoon”.  It is my latest completed carving project.

Why is the name “Rebecca Love Spoon”?  Well Rebecca is the young lady that helped design it for her own wedding.  It is to be given out at their wedding this summer.

There is no other pattern just like this one.  So it is the “Rebecca Love Spoon” – from this time on.

I am continuing to carve more “Rebecca Love Spoon” that other people are now looking at for their Wedding Gifts and Anniversary Gift giving. Other woodcarvers are also asking for the pattern for this simple little love spoon.

Way to go Rebecca.

But what does 150 “Rebecca Love Spoons” look like?

At the Peterborough Square today and outside the Homeology store I did a rather dramatic art installment.  The photos will demonstrate what 150 Spoons look like on the Marble Flooring near where we carve each week.

Finally – thank you to Rebecca for letting Misty Hollow Carving and Murray Lincoln be part of your special day coming up.

(Incidentally – the meaning behind the symbol of the spoon… The two hearts are joined together with double cord below them. The Heart shaped spoon (the bowl part) signifies that they promise to look after each other forever.)


Murray Lincoln
Misty Hollow Carving 

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