Thursday, January 9, 2014

Insights for Improvement for the New Year - from my friend John

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Insights for Improvement for the New Year - from my friend John
Apologies to my Blog Readers for Not Posting for the last four days. Snow blowing and shoveling has nearly killed me… and my hands have been too sore to type let alone do other things!
But here goes… I am almost in the gear again!!
Small Business thoughts
Like other folk in the Small Business World I would love for my business of Misty Hollow Carving to grow in 2014. I have spent many hours dreaming about what has to happen for this to take place.
Hmmm? Maybe if I don’t sleep and simply carve through the night – that would help? 
Maybe if I hired a factory full of Chinese Workers that would work at a very low wage – I could produce more and increase my profitability?
Maybe I could rent a very high end store place at the Mall and sell everything I produce at a ridiculously high price, I could buy that Mercedes that I have been eyeing?
None of my day dreaming seams to have produced any realistic ideas that will work.
But then one of my On-Line friends by the name of John Maxwell sent an email my way and Bingo the ideas I had were pushed aside and his words made perfect sense.
And perfect sense is usually simply common sense.
So in the case that your business is small, you have been looking at way to possibly improve and maybe even grow it – John Maxwell might have some good thoughts for you as well.
I am adding John’s Blog from yesterday to my posting today. Thanks John for some great ideas.

Happy New Year! I’m glad to have you join me today in welcoming 2014. As usual, I’ve spent the past few days reviewing the previous year and setting goals for the coming year. And I’m excited about what 2014 may bring.
Are you excited about your plans for the New Year? Most of us have an idea about areas where we’d like to improve. And at the beginning of the year, those ideas sometimes turn into resolutions or goals. I’m a big believer in making goals, but I believe it’s important to go into them with a realistic perspective on improvement.
Whether you want to improve your health or grow your business, or you have any other long-term improvement goal, keep these insights in mind:
Improvement Insights:
1. Don’t be afraid to admit you were wrong.
We can’t change if we’re unwilling to recognize that there might be something wrong with how we’ve been doing things. Admitting you were wrong proves you are wiser today than you were yesterday. One of the things I always do when I review the past year is identify where I wasn’t productive.
2. You will never change your life until you change something that you do daily.
Improvement is based on two things: the decisions we make; and the disciplines we practice. Acting on our decisions daily is what makes a goal a reality. So identify daily disciplines you intend to practice in 2014.
3. You cannot manage what you cannot measure.
Be specific in creating your goals. For example, don’t say, “I’m going to read more this year.” Instead, break it down into measurable increments: “I’m going to read two chapters per day in whatever book I’m reading” or “I’m going to read two books a month.”
4. Set realistic expectations for your improvement.
Want to lose weight? Be realistic in how many pounds you can reasonably expect to lose in a month. There’s no greater recipe for failure than setting a “goal” that’s little more than a “pipe dream.”
5. Continual change is essential for continual improvement.
One of the great paradoxes of success is that the things which got you there are seldom the things which keep you there. Be prepared to make course corrections and continue to stretch and grow throughout the year. To do that, plan a review of your plan every few months.
6. Motivation gets you started. Habits keep you going.
We tend to overestimate what we can do in a month. We underestimate what we can do in a year. That’s why so many New Year’s resolutions are broken in the first few months. Focus on establishing habits, and you’ll be able to continue when the motivation fades.
7. Focus.
William Jones said, “If you would be rich, you will be rich; if you would be good, you will be good; if you would be learned, you will be learned.  But wish for one thing exclusively, and don’t at the same time wish for a hundred other incompatible things just as strongly.” What is the one area in which you most desire to grow and succeed in the coming year?
8. Spend 80% of your time working on your strengths.
This refers to your skill set, not your character. There are two weak areas in character that must be addressed because they will hurt you: self-discipline and attitude. But in your skills, focus on developing and growing in your areas of strength. Growing in a weak area might bring you up to average in that area. But growth in a strength area has the potential to make you exceptional! What is your greatest strength? And how can you improve it?
Review your past year and set goals as you enter this new year. But remember, success develops daily, not in a day.
One way to stay on track is to regularly ask yourself this question: “Is what I am doing today getting me closer to my goal tomorrow?” Develop good habits and the discipline to keep them, and evaluate every day, and you’ll stay on course toward achieving your long-term goals.
WOW – John – I needed that this AM!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
For your inspection
Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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