Sunday, November 17, 2013

Singing a New Song – but what is your Song?

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Singing a New Song – but what is your Song?
What song are you singing today?
No not the kind from the local radio stations.  Not the kind from your youth – although that may help you and the ones around you a whole lot.
It is the song that depicts your life.  The kind that shows what is inside of you just bursting to get out. The kind that will make you dance – or maybe make you cry for joy.
It is the song that comes from knowing God has done something spectacular and you want to shout about it….
Yes there are happy songs and sad songs – very sad songs that make everyone else sad when they hear you sing it – or live it.

Psalm 98

Sing a new song to the Lord telling about his mighty deeds! For he has won a mighty victory by his power and holiness. 2-3 He has announced this victory and revealed it to every nation by fulfilling his promise to be kind to Israel. The whole earth has seen God’s salvation of his people. That is why the earth breaks out in praise to God and sings for utter joy!
Sing your praise accompanied by music from the harp. Let the cornets and trumpets shout! Make a joyful symphony before the Lord, the King! Let the sea in all its vastness roar with praise! Let the earth and all those living on it shout, “Glory to the Lord.”
8-9 Let the waves clap their hands in glee and the hills sing out their songs of joy before the Lord, for he is coming to judge the world with perfect justice.

Psalm 98

Sing to God a brand-new song.
He’s made a world of wonders!
He rolled up his sleeves,
He set things right.
God made history with salvation,
He showed the world what he could do.
He remembered to love us, a bonus
To his dear family, Israel—indefatigable love.
The whole earth comes to attention.
Look—God’s work of salvation!
Shout your praises to God, everybody!
Let loose and sing! Strike up the band!
Round up an orchestra to play for God,
Add on a hundred-voice choir.
Feature trumpets and big trombones,
Fill the air with praises to King God.
Let the sea and its fish give a round of applause,
With everything living on earth joining in.
Let ocean breakers call out, “Encore!”
And mountains harmonize the finale—
A tribute to God when he comes,
When he comes to set the earth right.
He’ll straighten out the whole world,
He’ll put the world right, and everyone in it.

BUT – and it is a BIG BUT – not everyone wants to sing a new song – or rather is singing a new song. Their lives are messed up by addictions, by sin, by excesses, by selfishness, and they cannot sing a new song. Their song is old and tired and bitter and wasted. They have lost the joy their childhood once declared.

Sometimes it is age that robs people of that once vibrant self.
Sometimes it is disease that robs the family of the joy of life.
Sometimes it is an addiction to whatever that robs the family, a street, a community and maybe even a city of its joy.

Swiss Chalet
A few Years Back… we were sitting in Swiss Chalet in Whitby… my grandsons were sitting with me at my table – four boys and me… It was Father’s Day – the restaurant was full… it was slow… the boys were hungry and so was I…. Together we coloured the place mats… the food should come soon… but it didn’t.  Then I turned the place mat over and started folding… bingo… there was a beautiful paper airplane… to my Grandsons delight….  But it wouldn’t fly well while we sat there.  I immediately stood up on my seat… and launched the sleek aircraft across the restaurant ---- WOW! DID it every GO!
My daughter was mortified… and my grandsons were delighted.  She said to me, “Sit Down DAD! I know lots of these people here and you are embarrassing me! SIT DOWN!!!  And don’t you guys even think of trying what Grandpa does!!!! Don’t!!!”
I looked at my daughter and said… “If I die tomorrow these grandsons will remember me as a Grandpa that is FUN TO BE WITH – not the miserable old toad that most of the other guys are!!!”

Old can take away your song and make you sing one that no one wants to hear!

This week…
Consider the Rob Ford Family of Toronto… in my humble opinion we have watched one of the classic disasters of all time taking place just a few short miles away.  Rob Ford is addicted to himself, power and the delusion that what he is infallible – when truthfully it is anything but the case. He thinks saying, “I am profoundly sorry.” Without a change in his life and addictions will make it okay
This past week as he paraded his wife in front of the world I felt so sorry – this family needs a new song.

Recently I took part in the closing of the Kingston Penitentiary – 175 years of misery, of hatred, of anger, of violence took place in that horrific place.
Young men and old men left their homes after crimes were committed – and in that first year or so cried themselves to sleep each night… until there were no more tears.
My soul hurt after walking the walls inside – the anguish – the torment – the no song sung… or no song left because of imprisonment.

In The Message – again…
Sing to God a brand-new song.
He’s made a world of wonders!
He rolled up his sleeves,
He set things right.

Every man and woman that I have met in Prison needs a New Song…
Flash back – to KP again… on one of visits to meet a hardened sex offender before he was released to our community…. The Chapel next door was in session… and the choir of men’s voices singing, “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound..” was amazing.  A NEW SONG…. Even though they are hated by society – God loves every last one of them.

What about Your Song?  Have you discovered the New Joy that you need?

God wants to give you a New Song – because he has given you the Victory!
Jesus has promised that he will never leave you not forsake you!
Now take a hold of the knowledge that God loves you so much…

Have you thought much about Heaven?  Do you realize that for Eternity we will be together in Heaven singing New Songs of praise to God the Heavenly Father?

~ Murray Lincoln ~
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