Thursday, August 29, 2013

How stupid can some people be?

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.                                 

Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008

Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.

“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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How stupid can some people be?

Take a good, long look at the blackened thing in this photo.  It is a Big Toe off someone’s foot.  It is sitting in salt to preserve it.  I am not sure why this one is “blackened”, but the original one was that colour because of the owner getting his toes frozen – for whatever reason.

Now this Big Toe and other Big Toes have been used in a bizarre ritual in the Yukon – specifically in Dawson City, Yukon.  The bar serves a drink entitled “the sourtoe”.  The person that takes on this act of stupidity must drink all of the shot in the glass and let the Toe touch his or her lips as they finish the last sip.

Recently the Toe was swallowed by some idiot. The idiot paid the $500 fine that had been levied on any one that swallowed the Toe… and walked out.

Really!  His swagger after he left the scene of “the crime” likely told everyone of his great pride in doing what he did.


Now after many, many years of studying the human anatomy and in particular the digestive tract of the human body (my own) – I have picked up a few pointers that must be passed on to the idiot.

Idiot – do you have any idea of the lack of hygiene that swirling around that Toe before you slipped it into to your mouth and then took that big gulp!?  No amount of alcohol could stop the decay that was already taking place inside. Gag me! I think of what was under the toe nail alone is enough to make be hurl…

Idiot – do you feel a small and yet growing pain in your side?  It might be about belly button high but it is growing each hour now.  The flesh that was left on the Toe is now removed but your gut acids and the bone is exposed – but the big toe nail will not dissolve at all!  It is now digging its way through your lower intestine and scratching, clawing and mauling every inch of your tube.  YOU ARE IN TROUBLE – BIG TIME!

By this time your stool is likely blackened by the excessive bleeding of the upper intestine… and as the blood comes into the stool you are seeing the ravage of the big toe nail clawing at you gut.

Way to go idiot!

The hotel didn’t want to give out your name because they do not want to give you credit – where credit is due.  But the hospital staff will likely be rolling in the hallways as they see you suffer through these last days.  And if you are the American kind of idiot that comes to the north you do not have Canadian Health Care – and you will pay. If you are lucky enough to make it home to the USA before the toe nail claws its way into your abdomen and then peritonitis sets in – you will pay even more in the good old USA – without insurance.

To get even with the Hotel in Dawson my dear idiot, you need to pass whatever parts of the toe that does make it through you anal canal… and place that in a drink at the Hotel.

The partially digested toe in a drink will definitely take someone real stupid to try it…

Bottoms up idiot… and all the other idiots that have tried this act of bravado!!!

How stupid can some people be?

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

“Lee Daniels' - The Butler” – an amazing movie – don’t miss it!

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.                                 

Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008

Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.

“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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“Lee Daniels' - The Butler” – an amazing movie – don’t miss it!

Yikes – 5 days without posting can make your friends wonder if you have eaten a Cronut Burger or two – then died.

Apologies to all of the faithful followers of this Blog… Nope not sick and have not eaten the Cronut Burger.  Just too cotton picking busy!

Today I want to make a recommendation for a great movie. This movie likely will be showing up for some really big awards in the next twelve months or so. Very few movies will have the impact that this one will have on this generation and the generations to come.

In some ways it may even become required viewing for every child in school to avoid the horrors of the past.

I lived through the era of “The Butler” – that’s the movie I want you to see. I lived through a time that very few of us northern, white folk had a sweet clue what was happening down south… or around the world.

We knew nothing of the hatred by white folks for the “coloreds”.  Until it appeared on our black and white TVs of the time we were ignorant.

“The Butler” is one of the best stories ever – and it is based on a true story which makes it even better.

How good is it?  Well the theater we were in was packed as it is almost every night so far.  And when the show was over people were applauding in the dark. A number of people sat stunned and some were wiping their eyes as they dealt with the amount of information that they had been given.

I don’t want to give away what the movie is all about – if you have not seen it.  You simply need to see this one – IT IS AMAZING!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Cronut Burger Blues – oh boy!

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.                                 

Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008

Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.

“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Cronut Burger Blues – oh boy!

Over the years I stopped counting the number of times that we have been at the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) in Toronto.  And each time we have gone it has been primarily for the Food Experience. The “Food Building” is the best place on Earth – during the month of August!  Without a doubt that has been true.

My mouth waters each time we remember the delicious Roti made with Curried Goat – wow!

But this year was different; we didn’t get a chance to go.  Too busy and too many responsibilities with my aging mother.

This year there was hype over a new sensation called the Cronut Burger sold by “Epic Burgers and Waffles”.

However with over 150 reported cases of food poisoning by folk that ate this big, sloppy delight… this food place was shut down.  Something in that day’s burger was tainted with a nasty little bug that caused a severe stomach reaction and these people got really, really sick!

Of course in Toronto that made big news.

In Hong Kong we called “Hong Kong Dog”. In Thailand it was called, “Bangkok Belly”.  And the results in either case was not something you wanted ever… but it is also not something that the health authorities were called about.  Nothing was ever shut down… people just avoided the shop that made them sick.

As I mulled over this I couldn’t help but think that we really shouldn’t be eating certain things. Not good for me at all…!

But then I am susceptible to all the hype… the smell and the feeling that I just have to have one!

Oh the power of food over my poor old body!

But as I stare at the photo of the Cronut Burger – I do not want one.  My mind has recorded enough negative stuff… that I will not bite one…EVER.  How about you?

I seriously question how the Epic Folk will ever recover from this. It is reported that the Food Stall will open in the next day or so.  If that happens the News and Media folk will be there to watch the dude that takes the first big bite… I am sure. Can’t wait to see what will happen!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

God Change Stupidity Please

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.                                 

Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008

Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.

“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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God Change Stupidity Please

This Blog Post is strictly reactionary in every way. It is a reaction to the letter that Karla Begley and Brenda Millison have now in their possession.  It came by mail from a neighbor – supposedly that lives close to Ms. Millison.

Suggestions in the letter were to have Brenda’s son Maxwell be moved or euthanized. Maxwell has a form of autism.  His actions and acting out is not something the author of the letter likes or wants in her community.  The writer is suggesting that the 13 year old boy be done away with.

Yep. This is Canada and it is 2013.

In Hong Kong I witnessed people cover up or put out of site their deformed children. I saw evidence of children and then right up to their adult stage of life, locked in closets because of the family’s shame.

In my own family my Grandfather was not specially excited about his own son being out in public… or at times even taking him out.  It wasn’t necessarily embarrassment but the huge undertaking that it was to take my uncle anywhere. My uncle was a quadriplegic, that was not always clean nor was he quiet… but my Grandfather and all of us loved Uncle Bob.

Our family has had to deal with the uncomfortable situations that exist when a loved one is crippled in some way.

Having a neighbor react this way can only be a huge problem for how his family already feels for Maxwell and what they do regularly to look after him.

To whoever wrote the letter, please consider this.  Society, if it should adopt the suggestions that you have offered for Maxwell, might well want to rid itself of hateful neighbors too. You could well be on the list that you wish someone would react to and do it your way. What if they wanted to KILL YOU, dear concerned neighbor?

In Nazi Germany they carried out this kind of hateful suggestions by one very ignorant man – Hitler. The world hated him and you will soon find it also hates you – too.

Have a great week hiding dear neighbor.  They are going to find you and then you will be MOVING SOON!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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Monday, August 19, 2013

We had a Home Invasion last evening!

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.                                 

Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008

Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.

“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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We had a Home Invasion last evening!

He was small and mighty. His eyes were focused and his intent was clear. But he couldn’t last forever no matter how cunning he was with all his ways.

Recently one of his relatives in our neighbourhood brought down and 290 giant. It happened in the stairwell of the giant’s home when he was attempting to flee the home invader. The giant rolled down the stairs and hit the bottom to landing area with a thud.   They called the ambulance for the 290 pounder… and the home invader was set free.

Can you imagine the police did nothing about this home invasion? When 911 was called the lady on the phone asked what the emergency was… and when the home invader was explained and that the 290 pounder was down because of the invasion… there was a definite smirk that could be heard on the face of the 911 operator.

But last evening our home didn't have so much as a tea over turned as the home invader took control of his invasion.

I was notified by my wife when I heard her shriek from the kitchen.  She was very upset as I ran toward the kitchen door.

Okay – you now have the setting for the full story.

I had a little earlier come back into the house from my workshop and TV program that I was watching.  I had taken with me a bowl of cereal for my evening snack. While doing this with great care and not wanting to spill milk all over the floor a Big Bat had entered with swoop.  I had closed the door before the Big Bat had realised that he was trapped in the house.

My wife was sitting at the table in the kitchen minding her own business when the critter did some fancy flying at her head… and it was about then that she let out her shriek.

The next few minutes were nothing but fun as we watched the Bat swoop back and forth from room to room looking for a place to get out or find shelter.

He first found refuge in our book case on a large book. Laying there very still among the travel books no one will see him – he thought.

Swish he was gone again into full flight… but now slower as he was tiring out from this 20 minute flight program in our house.  He next landed under the living room chair definitely tired and not able to go far… and likely confused.

I had opened both the front and back doors to see if he could get the idea – out is better than down and out.

In the kitchen where he first entered is where he left on his own.

The fishing net this time didn’t work – he grabbed a hold in the netting and crawled through. Must have learned that trick from the last time!

My wife can really move!  She was at the door with one heart beat and slammed it shut.  She then ran to the front door so another one wouldn’t get in either.

Whew!  What fun.

And we didn’t call 911.

Update – the 290 pounder friend of mine is okay.  The ambulance guy got him up and nothing was broken but he was sore. As to the Big Bat in their house… well the ambulance attendant used to work in pest control and he got the bat out by opening the doors too. Too funny.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Proving to myself and others – I am still an Olympian

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.                                 

Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008

Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.

“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Proving to myself and others – I am still an Olympian

I have nephews and nieces, as well as grandkids that are doing very well in their athletic endeavors. They are fast, they are strong and they are smart in each of their sports. Completely committed to what they do – they all are excelling.  In fact one is an Olympian having competed in China and then in London.

Well this week, at 69 years old I proved that I can keep up to the best of these young ones in my family. I can very likely outrun an Olympian and mover much quicker than the best of them all!  This grandpa is no slouch and he can clear the highest objects nearby, sprint with unwavering ability when called upon by all his senses.  I am still good in every way physically adept!
So when you look at me you see a little over weight and slightly old person, grey hair and all. So you think I can’t do it… eh?

Well the other evening I proved it. No doubt there.

I had finished working in my garage and had loaded the vehicle for the next day’s activities.  It was about 11 PM and dark.  The automatic yard light came on for me as I approached the back of my vehicle ready to shut it all down.

BAM! Kerwhammy! Every danger sense in my body rocketed to the forefront… and I jumped straight up in the air, as I was going up I turned a graceful 180 degrees and landed with my feet churching the driveway.  With another great leap I was on my deck and into the house. My heart was racing and my chest heaving as I gasped for air.  Olympian – you bet!

What ever happened in that split second?

At the back of the vehicle as the light switched on was a Skunk waddling from beside my car and past my foot.  Like we are talking less than two feet away from me!  Good Lord I am breathing fast right now as I think of the Skunk being that close to me.  I can see his black and white fur shimmering below my feet as I jumped up and away… this image is firmly fixed in my mind’s eye… never to be forgotten again.

So you see young people… you never lose it. My last big race was when I was 19 years old… and now 50 years later… I can still do it!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fairy Houses and the Fairy Village at the Peterborough Square

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.                                 

Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008

Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.

“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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Fairy Houses and the Fairy Village at the Peterborough Square

The little boy’s eyes lit up as he peered over the edge of the table.  All I could see from my side of the table was his big bright eyes and the top of his head as he looked into the Fairy Village.  His mommy responded, “Just look, don’t touch.”

I assured his mom that, “It was all touchable for the kids.”  She smiled…

I was at the Peterborough Square Mall on Wednesday again with my display of wood carvings and this last few weeks I have been showing off my Fairy Houses and Fairy Villages.  My best audience is the kids that come by with their parents.  They can see things that parents often walk by with little thought.

Today I want to show you my new set of photos for the Fairy Houses. Hopefully someone else will be inspired to build a Fairy House and perhaps even create Fairy Villages.  If you are the one that will do that – you will be responsible for setting on fire and lighting up and imagination in “little people”.  But fare warning… the “little people” are not always children. My first big customer was a man that was a retired school teacher that decided to build a Fairy Village in his backyard (for his grandkids I think).

May imagination live forever and forever.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

For your inspection

Digital Image from Misty Hollow

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