Tuesday, July 9, 2013

David and Minnie are home resting after six weeks at the Peterborough Square

Misty Hollow Carving and Misty Hollow Digital Images
These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas
launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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David and Minnie are home resting after six weeks at the Peterborough Square

For the past six weeks I have been involved in a magnificent experiment with my art work. Through the kindness of Crop Circles Store in the Peterborough Square – and the willingness of the Peterborough Square management, I was able to install two of my art pieces at the Mall.

David, the man sitting in the wheel chair, and Minnie, sitting in the hardwood chair doing her crocheting, have been part of the downtown community. They had also become part of the downtown mall and the different store owner’s lives.

Today I moved David and Minnie home to our front veranda for their next presentation place.  It is my new gallery presentation.

Today as I moved them through the Mall, the different shop owners and operators waved goodbye, calling out their names, “David” and “Minnie”.  It was as if the pieces had been given new life… and had become part of their new community.

Tomorrow another piece entitled, “Mamma, mamma, where are you?” will begin its stay at the Mall.  The subject matter of this sculpture deals with “dementia” and the loss that one man in my life suffered when his memory started vanishing. His wife sat with him almost every day, while he called for her over and over again.  His short term memory and other memories were confused and scrambled.  The sculpture is not so much about him as about her – and the loss that she suffered… but also her faithfulness to not leave him.

Why not chose a Gallery or an Artistic place in the community to present my art?  Wouldn’t that be the normal place to show off art?

I thought about that many times… and someday I hope to get Galleries involved… or interested in what I do and am saying.

But the truth is most “ordinary people” never go to a Gallery.  The ones that go to the Mall each day to hang out, to shop, to have coffee, to take classes at the community college – would not likely darken the door of an art gallery.  Sorry to offend some one that may do all of these things plus go to galleries… but for the most part the folks downtown are not interested.

In the past six weeks hundreds have seen the two characters David and Minnie… and have walked on thinking about what was presented… they have stirred people to think.  Then someday perhaps these Mall visitors will react and do something about these thoughts.

My art must be living and doing something… touching people’s lives even in its static way.

Thank you Helen and Kathy at Crop Circles – Helen for standing with me to show these folks off… and Kathy for faithfully tucking David and Minnie in each night and then bringing them outs each day to meet the world.  Thanks to Cheryl also for trying this one out at the Mall!

For now David and Minnie are at rest in their luxurious surroundings on our front porch.

Hey – if you would like them to visit your store, your community, your senior’s home… they are more than willing to jump in my van and come to your place.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

For your inspection
Digital Image from Misty Hollow
Crop Circles
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/ and http://mistyhollow-digitalimages.blogspot.ca/

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