Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Leaving my Senior Friends at The Gates Art Gallery in Brighton

Misty Hollow Carving and Misty Hollow Digital Images
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Leaving my Senior Friends at The Gates Art Gallery in Brighton

The deed is done.  I am pleased with the outcome. It looks great!  Thank you Katie and BAC(Brighton Arts Council) for believing in me and my art.

Over the next five weeks or so people from all over will have an opportunity to experience the Art of Murray Lincoln… at least six pieces of the Art that I do.

I explained to Katie and her team at The Gates Art Gallery in Brighton, Ontario that these pieces of art are real stories. These pieces represent real people that were or are senior citizens in my life. Some are still close to us, others have passed on and left their story with me to tell.

In 1985 I was encouraged by another Senior to go back to school again and take an amazing course of study in Gerontology. At the time it seemed a little odd to do so. I was working with primarily teenagers – NOT Senior Citizens.

I followed Howard Honsinger’s advice and entered into a whole new world of study. I began looking into my own aging process. Wow! What a journey it was since that beginning point of looking forward and backwards at the same time.

During the course of study we were guided into the writing of a “Life Line”. In this program we were instructed to sit with a Senior and do an interview that wouldn’t look or feel like an interview.  It would be a “friendly visit” where we would listen to what was being shared with us – their life story.  And without making notes, I simply listened to what I heard.  Each person became a treasured story that I will keep forever.  Later we would write our final paper on what we heard and how we felt.

Some of the stories were very hard to listen to and having to deal with the tragedies later on was even more difficult.  You knew the pain of each person as they shared their life with you. You heard of the great joy as well.

The truth of the matter was that few people ever sat with these Seniors or even asked who they were.

A quick, “How are you doing today Bill? It is sunny outside, you should go sit outside.” requires no response except a grunt from Bill.  And Bill had a huge story to tell if someone would just listen.

I listened and then thought a lot about what was said. Then I created the Mixed Media characters that are now sitting in The Gates art Gallery.­­­

I invite you to look through the photos below, and then if you have time go meet my Senior friends at the Gallery.  They would love to tell you their stories – if you have time.

~ Murray Lincoln ~
Meet some of my Friends and their stories that are The Gates Gallery in Brighton
For your inspection
Digital Image from Misty Hollow
Crop Circles
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