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A Brother and Sister reunion
Well my days have been flying by.
The vacation continues and it has been a ball.
My sister Pat has been with us visiting. What a blast! The sideline to this all is that we are both retired now and are much more relaxed.
Sharing stories of family and our own memories has been a wonderful time to catch up with each other.
Pat had been working as a nurse in the Yukon until her retirement last year. Now she is catching up with her own family in Calgary and different parts of the country.
It is comical for me to look at the two of us together. We still feel young, like a young boy and girl together, but we are not. And we both are facing our rather rapid aging – and laughing about it.
We have laughed a lot in the last few days – oh boy have we ever! And that laughter has been good.
I was not always good to my younger sister(s) though. I teased and tormented them like any older brother does. That in many ways is a regret on my part. It is also the reason for the scar on my face where one day the teasing reached “blow up stage”. My sister picked up a large rock about 4 inches across and smashed me in the left cheek and nose. Yep the nose likely broke and the cheek was cut below my eye. Nope – no ER attendance or treatment – just slow healing.
I have come to realize even more on this vacation together that I love her even more than ever.
AND… I like to think that after the rock smashing incident that she felt some remorse and entered her long career of being a great nurse – because of my tormenting her and that fateful day with the rock.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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ReplyDeleteEnjoy every minute with your sister you can Murray---I'm going to my brother's Memorial on Sunday-you just never know what lies ahead.Glad you're having this reunion!