Sunday, April 14, 2013

Coming Back Home – with my family in Saskatchewan – Part One

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Coming Back Home – with my family in Saskatchewan – Part One

The “Lost Lincolns” – so it seems to some of my friends.  We dropped off the map and from view on April 11th with my last post.  With my usual Blog Posts being almost every day, missing one can look suspicious.  And I have missed some for sure.

At the moment was situated in Naicam, Saskatchewan, which is a 2 hour’s drive north of Regina. Sask.  And Regina is about 1700 miles north and west of Peterborough, Ontario.  It is vacation time and a million miles from the normal grind of each week.

Naicam?  Why Naicam?  Well the answer to this series of questions that pop up for many is simple. We are visiting some very close friends by the name of Doug and Gwen.  They are the Pastors of a church in Naicam.

We met Doug and Gwen Hacking away back in 1991 when we were called to come to Yorkton, Sask. to serve as the minister in that city.  After the initial meeting and the decisions made to move to Yorkton we arrived late one evening after everyone was in bed.

The next morning three young girls came from their bedrooms giggling.  They had heard that the new minister in their church was going to arrive late last night… and there they were sleeping on the front room pullout couch.

That was the beginning of our new friendship with Dana, Candace and Amanda – our three new adopted granddaughters.  And as I said that was 1991.

It is now 2013. That was 22 years ago when we met the girls.

This weekend they all came home to Naicam from different parts of Saskatchewan – to mom and dad’s place to see Pastor Murray and Alida (now Grandpa Murray and Grandma Alida) again.  Along with these three beautiful young ladies have come their five kids, two husbands, and three dogs.

What a party it has been! 

Party?  Yep!  Last evening they surprised me with a huge, delicious Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake – for my 69th Birthday.  The cake followed a huge meal of Moose Steak and Roast Chicken… and the wonderful fellowship of my Grandkids and Great Grandkids.

Alida my wife summed it up for both of us… “This has been so much fun seeing the girls and their families! To see Doug and Gwen in their new role at the church!  I am so glad we came!!”

Back in 1991 when we met Doug he was an RCMP Officer working out of the Yorkton Detachment.  Retirement came and Doug, together with his amazing wife made a decision to go back to school again. This time they enrolled in a Theological College and Seminary graduating a few years later.

What a transition it has been – and yet not that far from what they were doing before.  They had been caring for people in the community and working at unique jobs plus involved in the church.  Now they work at a very unique job in the community are fulfilling their dream to help people.

This weekend has been one of enjoying the “fruits of our labour”.

Dana, their oldest daughter, was 13 when we arrived in Yorkton. The church was small and she was the only teenager.  She told me last night what it meant to her to have us do things with her as the only youth in the youth group. “I remember when you picked me and took me to McDonalds, just me alone. That was special. Then I brought another friend and the group grew.”

I remember that time as well. We had left Scarborough, Ontario and our two daughters behind. We were homesick beyond imagination. And there in Yorkton we found three new granddaughters that we could help and love.  I had left a Youth Ministry of about 250 teenagers and young adults to come to a church with one teen.  And Dana Hacking was very special to us.

I don’t dare start the Memory Road trail… it is too dangerous... I could write for hours about what has happened.

This weekend I taught art classes to their kids.  What a treat for Grandpa Murray Lincoln!!!

I am living the life!  Thank you God for letting me be me!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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