Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Community Care Harvey’s Diners Club – WOW!

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Community Care Harvey’s Diners Club – WOW!
I don’t think we have had this much fun in a long time!  Plus we ate one of the best lunch meals in a long time too.  And it all happened in a group where my Mom, together with my wife and I fit right in.

Yesterday we took part in the Community Care Harvey’s Diners Club(part of Community Care Peterborough).  This particular Diners Club took place at the Wesleyan United Church just south of Buckhorn – at the Curve Lake turn off.

Great food, great fun and great people.

I was the guest demonstrator/speaker for this particular day.  What fun!  Sorry I said that already… I know.

I had met Lynda Mckerr, the Community Care Development Coordinator, at the Buckhorn Community Heritage Day.  She was taking part in demonstrating the beautiful quilts that the ladies of that area had made. I was doing my wood carving and Spring Pole Lathe demonstration.  And without a doubt the most popular thing going that day was the “Dancing Dan” together with “playing the spoons”.

Lynda asked me at the Heritage Day if I would come to speak to the Diners Club.

I had as many questions as you probably would – coming into a group you have not yet met.  How does a Diners Club work and what is Community Care?

The Community Care Harvey’s Diners Club is part of a much bigger outreach work actively carried on by Lynda and her volunteers throughout the region north of Peterborough.  Their actual contact area is from Kinmount down to Selwyn and from Apsley to the western areas of Harvey township.

Community Care’s statement sums up what they do “Empowering you to live at home”.  When Lynda told us all that they do to help the seniors in the region I was blown away.  Community Care and their staff along with the numerous volunteers are reaching out to hundreds of people across the region. Through active engagement and creative activities they have drawn together seniors from across the region.

With such a large area, a senior could easily find themselves alone and in need of contacts with others.  And with age and mobility challenges it would be easy to become isolated.  The only answer to that isolation and the risks(and possible health issues) that come with it normally would be to move into a senior’s residence of some sort… meaning they would have to leave the area and move to a larger community.

But with the work that Community Care carries on it makes it possible for people to stay in their own homes longer.

I think the oldest persons there yesterday were one of two (maybe both) men. One was turning 95 years old at his next birthday. The other fellow had already reached that mark or was closely behind the other guy.  Both men had been able to attend this Diners Club because more volunteers had brought them.

From what Lynda explained to us, she has a number of volunteers that drive to pick up the older folk of the group and make this day happen for everyone.  What an army of great folks!

There were only a few that were my Mom’s age. The majority were over 60ish and around the 70ish mark… with others mixed in between.  I say that to say – I fit in real well!!!

Lynda told us how the Wesleyan United Church’s volunteer crew set up their facility, cooked the meal of ham and scalloped potatoes with peas, carrots and coleslaw. MmmMMM MM! Not forgetting he two long tables of pies for dessert.

But the Wesleyan United Church is only one of the facilities across Community Care’s are of operation.  They also go to Elim Lodge, Buckhorn Community Centre, Cody Inn(I think I have that right) and some other church related facilities.

Do I sound excited about what I saw and took part in – You BETCHA!  If I was living in the area I would be at every one of the activities!

We finished off my part of the program with about 8 participants “playing the spoons” with me as “two voluntolds” making the Dancing Dans – dance.  One Dancing Dan lost his leg when the dancing with his partner became so wild…kerpow!!!

Thank you to Lynda Mckerr and your volunteers. You made my Mom’s day. She told me in the car how much she enjoyed the day… and the Diners Club!

Way to go Community Care!!! You gals and guys rock!

BTW –if you would like to know more about their programs and connect with Lynda Mckerr – click here or call 705-657-2171

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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