Monday, January 21, 2013

I Refuse to Participate in the Recession!

These BLOGS are sponsored by my businesses.
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008
Misty Hollow Digital Images were launched on September 26, 2012.
“Crop Circles’ Web Site” where all my images are available.

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I Refuse to Participate in the Recession!
The other day I bumped into another person that launched his business the same time that I launched ‘Misty Hollow’.  I asked a simple question, “How is your business going?”

His reply was dismal.  “I packed it in after two years. The recession hit me too hard.  No one was interested in what I had to sell.  I went back to doing what I did before I started my business. I am a Bar Tender… it pays.  People that have problems with Recession – drink…”

As he told me more I realized that he and I were in the same place as we began. Then we continued in the same routine as our businesses grew. Then when the recession hit us it was very difficult.  The crunch was greater than anyone expected.

Somehow I stayed alive and grew a little. He was not so lucky… or should I say willing.

To me it seemed like he was not willing to stick it out. However there was likely more to what I am sharing about his story. I only caught the surface.

Speaking with another business that launched a little ahead of mine but faced the same problems that we all did… I heard of a steady business growing however slowly.  This person had a different attitude about what they were doing.

While other places had folded up and died… this business saw it simply as an opportunity to move ahead and picking up customers that others had dropped.

A key thing that another person had said stuck in my mind… “It is too bad that there are so many businesses have closed, I can’t buy what I want without driving a long ways!”  People still need and want to buy even though money is tough to come by.

But I am not concerned about everyone’s business. My primary attention must be my own.

It is about attitude – and all about attitude.

Like the sign that I manufactured for this posting – “I refuse to participate in the Recession”

If I have to change what I am doing, produce something new, and/or try another route to my customers – I will.  I cannot quit.  I must weather the storms of the business world.

I have invested too much in to what I am doing to quit now.  Attitude is everything.

So if you are feeling that you are about to fold up and move away from your vision… DON’T.  On the other side of every storm is sunshine and possibility.

When the Winter of what you are doing is over, there will be a Springtime!  


~ Murray Lincoln ~
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