Friday, October 19, 2012

The power of a person’s imagination will change the society’s direction and history

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Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008 – so it is approaching its 4th birthday.   Misty Hollow Digital Images was launched on September 26, 2012.

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The power of a person’s imagination will change the society’s direction and history
 (This is way more serious today than the last few posts about bachelors and hockey… I needed a pause from serious thinking these past few days because of personal crisis in the family. )

The last few evenings I have been listening to and in particular a program entitled ‘Imagination’ which both parts 1 & 2 -,%202293226155

Through the magic of the Internet you can also hear what is being discussed.

I have been thinking about my imagination… and other’s.

Someone asked me where my ideas come from for my wood carving and art work. My simple answer is ‘out of my imagination’.  I can’t explain how it comes or where it exactly it resides in me – it is just there and then it comes out. What you see is what I have taken time to frame on my outside…from what I see inside.

I am in contact with other artists. One I met the other day told me of what he does. I looked at what he does and it is SO DIFFERENT from me. His thoughts are not the way that I think… and his work is very different from mine. But his work is excellent in every way… just different from mine.

After we connected I started to think of how weird I must be in his mind. What I do is so different from what he does.

Last evening I had an hour to speak with my two grandsons in my car as we returned to Peterborough (the third one was asleep in the back seat).

The three of us discussed ‘Imagination’. With the help of one grandson I quizzed the other grandson, ‘If you were to construct a computer game – what would it look like?’

Before we had traveled half way home we all could see an island, a beach, a forest in front of us, with a mountain on it… that was likely volcanic originally and now has monkeys and fruit and all the stuff that a jungle has. It was an amazing journey for the three of us that were a million miles away from our vehicle in that one hour drive.

Imagination… wow!

I then switched from our Island and we talked about Hitler and what his imagination did to the world.  They were really thinking how big their imagination is.

I asked them to think about the imagination that the author of a good book that they each had read.  We talked about the author’s imagination… and one of the Grandsons said… “Oh wow!” when he felt the thought sink in.

I have a treasure within me… my tremendous imagination.  You may not think it is much… but when I LIVE WITH IT – IT IS SOMETHING ELSE TO COPE WITH.

You need to listen to the CBC Radio’s program – it will challenge your imagination.

The power of a person’s imagination will change the society’s direction and history.

Murray Lincoln
For your inspection

and in particular a program entitled ‘Imagination’ which both parts 1 & 2 -,%202293226155

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