Monday, September 3, 2012

The Kinmount Fair – Our Amazing 2012 Experience

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 Grandpa Lincoln and Thomas Rourke carving together

The Kinmount Fair – Our Amazing 2012 Experience
You know that you are a no longer a guest, but rather a fixture, when people come back year after year to see you at the fair. They actually remember your name one year later!

That is this year’s Kinmount Fair experience for Alida and me. We were back with friends again. They remembered us and some of them – even remembered my name!  That was one and even three years later.

We are now officially fixtures, like a permanent part of the Pioneer Exhibit at the Fair.

For the past three days we have been in Kinmount, Ontario taking part at the Kinmount Fair. I have been demonstrating my wood carving and the amazing Spring Pole Lathe.  The effect on people as they walk by the display was without a doubt hypnotising… they were drawn in each and every time... stopped and then they would ask questions over and over again.

Having my grandsons, Jonathan and Thomas there was fantastic. They interacted with the public in great ways.  The “regulars” that attend the show each year and the volunteers that help all of us at the fair – could not believe how big the boys have grown since last year!

You know that you have come home when they remember your grandkids.

Remember this is a Country Fair.  And at most Country Fairs for a Teenager it means wandering around to see everything… maybe meet some people that you know… or – heaven help us – ‘check out a few of the gals’ walking around the fairground.

That wasn’t Jonathan or Thomas’ way of helping Grandpa. They stuck with it the entire time. Talk about great workers – these guys are something else!!

Today I am reflecting back on the last three days and the wonderful people that we have met.  The interaction was super.  The connections made for our business was positively amazing.

I am again very thankful for Liz Case and Roni Brelsford for their invitation extended to us to take part – yet again. They are the reasons that we have become fixtures at the fair.

Fixtures..? Yep – we are part of it all now!

One example was the lady from Toronto that came by the table to tell me her story.

Her grandson had come to her with a problem not long ago. He had to make a “Yip Stick” and he had no idea what to do. She had smiled at him and told him, “Murray Lincoln makes those and he will be at the Kinmount Fair again this year. He will help you.”

Now remember that we speaking about the Kinmount Fair, one hour north of where we live and two hours or more north of Toronto. The lady has a cottage in the Haliburton area and makes Kinmount Fair the last stop before heading home after the summer.

I grinned when she told me her “grandson story”.

We have come to know ‘country people’ mixed with ‘city people’ and with all kinds mixed in.  What joy it has been over these past years!!!

This posting of my Kinmount Story is not being done until 9:25 AM this morning. Normally I am able to post by about 7 AM…

Getting out of bed today was, to say the least, SLOW and HARD.  Meeting thousands of people takes a toll on my whole being. My grandsons and my wife are still in bed and may not get up until 12 today.

But even today… 362 days from the our next visit to the Kinmount Fair…I am more than ready to go and do it all over again.

~ Murray Lincoln ~
 Setting up the Wood Carving display

 The Spring Pole Lathe is ready to go

 Jonathan Rourke getting little guys involved...

 Grandpa Lincoln playing the spoons with helpers...

 Talking up a storm... as usual...

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