Thursday, September 27, 2012

Misty Hollow Digital Images are now ready to go! WOW what a journey it has been!

This BLOG is sponsored by my businesses. I blatantly do this with no apologies ;-)  
Misty Hollow Carvingwas launched in October 2008 – so it is approaching its 4th birthday.   Misty Hollow Digital Images was launched on September 26, 2012.

You are welcome to visit both the Wood Carvings site and the Digital Image site by clicking on to the links shown above.

To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today and - which will take you to “Crop Circles’ Web Site”  where all my images are available.

Misty Hollow Digital Images are now ready to go! WOW what a journey it has been!
Yesterday I passed another milestone.  “Misty Hollow Carving” – the business that we launched 4 years ago launched a second division entitled “Misty Hollow Digital Images

If you have read the short Blurb that I wrote at the beginning of this post – you may have noticed what has happened.

For approximately 2 1/2 years now I have been working alongside two great people in my life. Their names are Helen and Ted Howard, the owners of the Crop Circles store and business. Their store is located in the Peterborough Square – lower level – at 360 George Street, in Peterborough, Ontario.  Their business is worldwide with a Web Site that reaches around the everywhere.

How it all started…
This connection with Helen and Ted started about 2 years ago.  I walked into their store looking for Tatting Shuttles and Tatting cotton that I might buy. I was teaching Tatting and needed to know if there was a place that sold the product that we needed for the class.

Crop Circles was able and willing to be the store that would support Tatting by bringing in the shuttles that we needed for the class that was coming up and providing the cotton.

While I was in the store speaking with Ted I asked if they would consider me coming down to the store, setting up a table out front where I would demonstrate Tatting.  Ted and Helen talked about it and they thought this was a great idea.  I showed up the next Tuesday Morning to demonstrate my Tatting.  The arrangement was to be for 3 weeks.

That was two years and a bit ago – and I have been there at the Crop Circles store each Wednesday from 10 AM to 5 PM –meeting people and interacting ever since.

Along with the Tatting I added my wood carving and displayed the two side by side on a table out front. At the table I meet about 100 people each day.

One Day…
One Day Ted walked out to the table and saw my new carvings of small houses set up as a simple little village. It was my Misty Hollow Village that I carry around in my head… but was now finally coming out for other people to see and touch.

Ted quizzed me on my new Misty Hollow Village and asked where I got the idea from. I pointed to my head and told him how I draw the things that I see and then I carve them.

He asked me, “If I give you some paper and pens to try, could you draw some for me now?”

“Sure!”  was my reply… and away I went putting my Village in to the pad of paper. Ted scanned the drawings and asked if I would mind if the ladies coloured these in one of Helen’s Rubber Stamp classes when they make their Card Designs.

Ted suggested after we talked more about the concept of Drawings for the Rubber Stamp industry, that my drawings could be very popular in the future.  I had no idea of how big this concept was going to be – nor what would happen next.

At that time in Crop Circles business planning they were about to take a new step forward.  They were in the process of redeveloping the Crop Circles Web Site and were looking at providing Digital Images for customers along with their rubber stamps for the cards that people make.

I began drawing and Helen began creating cards using the drawings.  That was about 18 months ago when we launched this part of the project – and my first drawings became a part of the Greeting Card and Scrap Booking business at Crop Circles.

Yesterday I launched the new Blog for “Misty Hollow Digital Images” that takes people to the Crop Circles Web Site and the place that they can purchase the images that I am offering.

Today on this Blog I am offering you an opportunity to take a look at Misty Hollow Digital Images as well.  You can do that by clicking on the links below…

The images are delivered in Black and White(B&W) - in GIF, JPG, PNG and TIF file formats - GIF, PNG and TIF are transparent backgrounds.

And if you enjoy what you see, and would like to offer and comment on the image(s) please do so – you can help me if you do that… right below each image there are three Tabs… Description, Send to a Friend and Reviews.

If you know someone that does Scrap Booking and or Card Making – consider emailing them using the “Send to a Friend” Tab – or email them the links to my Blog – or this post.  The price is excellent!

Enjoy – and thank you for the support as you let others know.

Murray Lincoln

Crop Circles

Meet Alfreda the Cat

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