Sunday, August 19, 2012

I am SORRY – Thanks Diana Jedig – Executive Director OACFDC

This BLOG is sponsored by Misty Hollow Carving. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
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I am SORRY – Thanks Diana Jedig – Executive Director OACFDC

Hey Diana Jedig I am sorry.  My July 4th 2012 Blog at “You Win Some – You Lose Some – The Tough Love of the “Mysterious Group at the CFDC Head Office” was blowing off steam – I didn’t know the whole story.

I was upset with the Video thing and the stuff I was writing about. 

Sure I was miffed to say the least. I had hoped along with all the other people that had tried to WIN the special opportunity to be the best Video at the National CFDC Conference in Halifax.

I also felt sorry for Chris Oliver from
He was the one that had put a lot of work into producing the Video.

For all my other readers that had taken part in trying to get my Video up there in the rankings – by clicking through to the YouTube and then clicking through a “LIKE” – you tried and I appreciated that very much.  I know many of you didn’t do it because you wanted nothing to do with YouTube and getting registered with it. Sorry.

Diana Jedig, as the Executive Director of the OACFDC (Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporation), wrote a great letter to let me know what happened. And I do appreciate this very much.

I am going to publish her letter to me that has the explanation of what happened in the Video escapade. I feel that I need to do this after publishing my Blog Post on July 4th 20122 – and I need to say I am sorry as well.

CFDC has been a great help to me… specially the Northumberland CFDC part of CFDC. 

You can click on to the LINK that I have placed at the top right side of this Blog Page under “My Testimonial of Misty Hollow” and the "The Misty Hollow Story".
This Link tells you a little of how they helped me so much!

Diana’s letter to me follows the Reference below. I am also going to place an addendum in the original post of July 4th, 2012.

Finally,  Misty Hollow Carving is moving ahead. Business has been good and picking up each week in spite of a Recession mindset that seems to be everywhere.  Thanks to all my faithful customers as well.  It only gets better!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc.
L'Association des societes d'aide au developpement des collectivites de l'Ontario
300 South Edgeware Road, St. Thomas, ON N5P 4L1
Telephone/Telephone: 519-633-2326 Toll Free/Sans frais: 1-888-633-2326
acsirnile/Telecopieur: 519-633-3563 Email/

Mr. Murray Lincoln
Misty Hollow Carving
925 Western Ave
gh, Ontario
K9J 5Wl

Dear Mr. Lincoln

Please accept our sincere apologies for the situation regarding the video competition at the Community Futures National Event in Halifax. We understand and share your disappointment, and we are responsible for some of the misunderstanding.

The National Event organizing committee in Halifax decided to hold the video contest and we, in turn, forwarded the information to all our membership - including the Northumberland CFDC. The announcement of the Video contest was sent out April 10 with a submission date of April 20. The original poster also stated that video with the most votes on May 15 would win. But it didn't clarify what "votes" meant, and at that stage there was minimal participation. Then on May 18 in the morning, an announcement telling everyone to vote for their favourite video, stating that the video with the most "likes" would be showcased at the conference and the CFDC would receive an iPad, was sent to us from the National Event office, which we forwarded to all CFDCs in Ontario.

Then in the afternoon, another message was sent from the National Event office, stating the contest would be based on "views" not "likes". Unfortunately, that email arrived at a very busy time here, when we were in the midst of budget cuts announcements and preparation for our own Ontario conference. And because it looked very similar to the message received earlier in the day, we didn't realize it was a new email, and it was overlooked. Please accept our sincere apology for not forwarding this important piece of information.

In talking with staff at the National Event, they explained that when people tried to "like" the You Tube video, they couldn't do so, unless they were a registered You Tube user. People complained that they didn't want to go through that extra step, so the rule was changed to "views" to accommodate that request. They explained that they were only trying to organize an event which would be fun for everyone involved, and didn't realize that the extended voting and then change in rules on May 18 would cause upset.

We are sorry that the two changes - the deadline extension and our mistake in not noticing and forwarding the 2nd email- has caused you so much upset.

We have reviewed your web site and your blog, and we would like to write a brief feature on you and your business and include it in our next monthly newsletter, with a link to your web site and your video. We think both the video and your unique and interesting business deserves special attention. Please respond to our newsletter editor Mary Alderson at malderson@oacfdc.comif you agree to be featured in our newsletter, which is widely circulated across Ontario and posted on our website.

Thank you for your understanding of this unfortunate situation,

Dianana Jedig
Executive Director, OACFDC
CC: Ms. Wendy Curtis
Northumberland C

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