Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Maintaining and Preserving my 15,600 Nerves and the other 3 Billion or so that I have

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Today’s Blog Post
Maintaining and Preserving my 15,600 Nerves and the other 3 Billion or so that I have

A week ago today I slumped down in the chair after walking for 4 hours. My feet were killing me. My legs hurt up and down the back – and the lower front. Good Lord I am out of shape.

During that week away I also had walked a few hours – or at least I should say I stood for a few hours as we shopped for things that we needed and didn’t need.

After that episode everything hurt… head, arms, hands, legs and feet. I can’t be in that bad of shape surely to goodness!?

But then I was doing things that I have not done for a long time and when doing it I did way too much. Trying to squeeze so much into each day left me sore all over.

Sometimes the soreness went away by the next morning. It was magic to say the least. Only little areas made my groan a bit.

Why does that happen?

In doing a little reading on this kind of temporary pain it is easy to see it is the nerve endings that have had enough stimulation for that time and effort. And these nerve endings are telling that we have had enough – STOP NOW!

Think of it for few minutes. There are approximately 7,800 nerves in each foot… making it possible to stir, stimulate and over work 15,600 nerves on a good walk. And stimulating these 15,600 little guys for four hours will have some reaction in your system. “Sit down stupid!” might be one phrase you will hear.

Now these are just the ones in your feet. Add to that the fact that the bulk of our nerve endings are found in the extremities of our body which include the head, arms, hands, legs and feet…!

There are an estimated 3 Billion Nerve endings in these areas sending signals to the the central nervous system and Peripheral Nervous System.

After a really long time of standing and then walking a little and then standing some more… waiting on my wife to get the shopping done… or find what she is looking for… I HURT ALL OVER!

I am sure that all 3 BILLION NERVES have been threatened with extinction and scream for self-preservation at that point!

That is why men hate shopping!

Hunting, Golfing, a good sportsman show… and all things that have “grunt and scratch” stuff in them are far easier that shopping! That kind of standing and walking is far easier on the 3 Billion Nerves that I have activated in me.

On the serious note it helps me to understand what some on my friends go through almost every day when they suffer with foot pain that results from some diabetic conditions – or other nerve related, serious conditions – where they hurt all the time.

The pain that a friend of mine has after he lost his foot was immense. All the 7,800 nerves were still sending out messages for a while… and they were telling him that there was damage… even though the foot was not there.

We are made in a fascinating way. Even after stimulation to the maximum we can come back to where we should be. And we feel better… almost ready to do it all over again.

That is true for me… for everything but shopping… for dresses, outfits, slacks, sweaters or tops… all the things that should match what we bought in other stores. This is when it is really senseless and we need to stop 10 minutes after we start.

Sheesh! Just tell me what colour you want, what size you need and what it is that you are really looking for… then let me get it for you. It will take me 10 minutes at the most. I put it in my gun site and blamm – it is yours. That is the perfect hunting trip – ooops I mean shopping trip. My 3 Billion Nerves can handle that easily.

But make me walk for two hours doing that – I WILL BE DEAD SOON! My feet told me that for sure.

Here is to the wonderful work that the nerves in my body are doing for me each day.

Now the nerves in my back side are starting to go numb… I need to get ready to stimulate the rest of it all today. This should be fun!

~ Murray Lincoln ~ 


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