Thursday, March 22, 2012

You don’t want to mess with my wife… if you do you are dead! Subtitle – "Facebook Impersonation"

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Today’s Blog Post
You don’t want to mess with my wife… if you do you are dead!
Subtitle – "Facebook Impersonation"

Last evening my wife came to tell me that her Facebook account had some weird things happen on it. She had two different requests come from people we know asking her to be their friends.

In both cases these were people that we know. Both were from “ministerial settings”. One was another minister’s wife and the other was a minister. She has spoken to the wife of the other minister from time to time over the years – but doesn’t really “know her” as a close friend. As far as the minister that connected with her, she knows about him but has no reason to be considered to be “his friend”.

But my wife is gracious and caring… and responded to both requests positively… and made them her friends.

Then something really strange happened.

The minister friend started writing to her on a “chat”. He became “live”. He was suddenly a real person talking to her in a casual way. She responded with her congenial way and he kept going. Suddenly he was way out in another direction with a very weird conversation that went on for a while. Not pornographic or anything like that… but really strange.

The worst part was that she had no idea who it was that she was communicating with… back and forth.. with a real person typing to her.

She did click on to the person’s small icon to find out more about him… Up came the guy’s face and a list of friends that he has. But there were only 95 friends… where in reality he has over 2000 friends… which was one of the reasons that my wife found it odd that he would want her as “his friend” when he already had more than he could ever communicate with. (This minister is top leader in our church group and a college professor.)

When Alida told me about this strange thing that came up on her Facebook program, we looked it over together. Yep she was right. The guy was typing the messages back and forth to her and there they were for me to read.

I copied and pasted the info into a word processor file, but didn’t save it immediately. The silly computer froze up and we lost it. Grrr!

Together we nuked the two impersonating people.

Then later looking at the two real people we found that other “friends” had noted that they were receiving weird things from them also.

So – was the impersonator another minister that has nothing to do with his time….? Or was it a lurker… a Peeping Tom on the Internet that was trying to connect with my wife.

Suddenly you feel dirty and almost invaded by a creep somewhere. Suddenly you don’t want to respond to anyone when they connect with you. Suddenly you lose trust.

This is not new…
Facebook people have a policy in place to protect you. See

In California they have a law to protect people from this kind of attack as well. If the person is caught there is a serious fine and perhaps even more.

In our area I doubt we could call our already too busy police for something as weird as this taking place.

However if you want more info and history – I have collected the Links below for you to read more. A Google search will provide more for you to read.

I am proud of my wife’s inner ability. She is becoming computer savy… but the thing that she has always had is an “inner smart”. She can tell when someone is simply full of it! She also has great reservation about some people… and she immediately had that when the impersonator began writing to her…

So – Mr. Jerk the Impersonator… go ahead and try it again. We would love to catch you red-handed. You are going down Creepo! You don’t want to mess with my wife… if you do you are dead!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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