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Today’s Blog Post
Where is the needle on your Worry Meter?
A solar storm is taking place now and in the next few hours…I could be nuked somehow and it could affect the power grids all over the place.
Apple Computer company released its new iPad that is faster and better than all before, but not as good as the one that will come next and the one that will come after that one… and it is $499 (only) but I am still dreaming about owning the first iPad or the second iPad2…
Poor Peyton Manning got the short end of the stick and he is out of the Colts locker room. Poor guy was crying when he was saying good bye… but if he stayed someone was going to pay him $28 million signing bonus or something.
My MP in the Canadian Parliament embarrasses me because he can’t give a straight answer and makes everyone in Peterborough look stupid.. or something…
The Government is changing society with its new Legislative Bills and they are caught up screaming about what happened in the last election… while stuff is slipping through… and answers to questions asked are given really weird twists. I think it is called “Baffle Gab”. Many people have lost faith in the politicians…
The American Political world is reported more in Canada than our own political stuff is… are we soon to be American… maybe after the Solar Storm hits us… maybe…?
My mind swirls with weird stuff today… and I am not sure where to look for sanity!
How about you?
Where is your worry meter’s needle today? Mine was getting close to “I don’t give a Ding Dong anymore!”
But there is hope… and this is so off the wall… I cleaned up a pile of old books and some other things too that came to me very quickly one day. WOW!
I found my favorite Water Bottle that I have been looking for over the last two months!
And in the book pile I found a treasure chest of material that will help me immensely in the next stage of my business! What a find!
I turned from the crappy news that has come my way and am delighted in my new finds.
The Worry Meter’s needle just moved to a better spot… to “Today is going be okay…!” and “Tomorrow will be much better!”
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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