Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pierre Poutine and the NDP Convention

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Today’s Blog Post
Pierre Poutine and the NDP Convention

Okay I admit it I watched most of the NDP leadership convention yesterday! My Grandpa Charles Kirkpatrick would be proud of me – I am sure, in that he was a CCF-er way down inside.

Well it wasn’t all day. We had stuff to do. We were in an out a lot during the day.

It had started early Saturday morning with the results of first ballot being tabulated and announced. People cheered and carried on just like they do at all political rallies.

Then the second, third and then fourth ballot were received, trying to decide on who would lead this political party. What a long drawn out event it was.

It started at 10 AM and then finished at 10 PM. Most people thought that it would be done at 4 PM at the latest… maybe even 6 PM… but not 10 PM!

The NDP Party could not have asked for any better press and media coverage. The Conservative and Liberal conventions were never this long in my memory. If this had been over in the morning or early afternoon few people would have been watching… but now a huge chunk of Canada tuned in to see what was happening. After all if finished before all things Holy in Canada – “Hockey Night in Canada”!

But why so long?

Here is my educated guess. Are you ready for it.

Pierre Poutine was at it again. He fouled up the voting system that was done primarily using the Internet.
People across Canada and in the Convention Hall logged in to the Web Site, put in their password and then made their selections for the next round of voting.

The problem was that Pierre, and his helpers, did something to foul up the system. Somehow Pierre was able to get into the system and hammer away at the Web Site…likely trying over and over again to get in – like other people were. That volume from Pierre and the other folk that tried to get in plugged up the little old Web Site and the server. Too many people logged on at the same time! And everything went down to a snail’s pace.

Now if you haven’t heard of Pierre Poutine, he was created by either the Liberals or the Conservatives to mess up voters in the last election. He was a fictitious person created by real people to do nasty stuff that is now being investigated.

What should have taken minutes took hours. One man interviewed on the CBC program said he had waited on his seat for one hour and the machine was not responding. While he sat there another few hundred stood in line waiting for their turn to sit down.

Can you imagine?

But think of it for a minute. Pierre Poutine didn’t have to do much to mess it up. The minute that the next round of voting started people began punching in their numbers – at the same time… all 67,000 plus people. And if 67,000 people tried to do that over and over again – say 100 times… do the math…

The little old phone lines and air waves couldn’t handle the surge.

Pierre needed only to add his few thousand tries to the people logging in… and the system went crash-a-rooo!

The article this morning that I read stated that the company they used was in Spain. Now they had added an Atlantic Ocean between the delegates and the tabulating machines – two ways. And if the Ocean wasn’t the problem the satellite connections could have been.

During the long wait and after it was explained that the computer voting system had a problem, I sent a message to an NDP MP that I connect with. I told him that it was likely a “Robo Computer Problem” that the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada had sent their way to mess them up.

I thought that this next week more accusations in the House of Commons (Our Canadian Parliament) could be slammed and banged around for a few days before they get down to shedding tears over a wild budget ride that is coming soon (this week?).

My NDP MP friend never answered my posting. But my own MP in our area will likely be up shouting at the NDP this week that it never happened… and that he had it happen here locally… but he never said anything about it when it happened…

Yep I watched the goings on… and was impressed with most of what I saw taking place.
I congratulate Monsieur Thomas Mulcair, the new leader. This guy is brilliant and will do my Grandpa proud. Best of all he is not stuck in the sticky past of extreme left of it all.

The Liberal Party is likely a little more than threatened now. This new NDP leader and the new people that will likely join will upset their meager hold on whatever. My guess anyway.

It was announced this past week that the Progressive Conservative party was launching its newest attack ad campaign on Bob Rae, the Interim Liberal Leader. Personally I think that they will be rethinking that today with a new slammer at the new NDP resurgence. Wait and see.

It has shown me something that is very odd. The national leading party that has now secured a Majority Government is insecure. They are starting to attack their opponents 3 and ½ years before an election.

Grandpa Kirk, sorry you can’t really see this stuff happening. It is an adventure that is wild. It kind of makes me want to get involved… with... the Lord deliver me… a party membership… somewhere… but with who???


~ Murray Lincoln ~ 

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