Thursday, March 15, 2012

My World was Shaken

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
Terri-Lynne McClintic - Murderer
My World was Shaken

Each Wednesday I sit at the Peterborough Square showing my wood carvings, tatting and creative things that I make. A popular one now is the art work that I am designing for the Rubber Stamping that people use to make their cards.

On the display table I have my full set of Misty Hollow Wands (that look a lot like Harry Potter Wands – but are much better..) The Misty Hollow Wands draw people to the table like a Magnet.

At one point a young girl I’ll call “Lilly” stopped to look. Her Grandma was with her. They told me how Lilly had just finished watching all the Harry Potter movies with her mom. This was School Break and her mom had time with Lilly… a girl’s thing together.

Lilly has dark hair, a big smile with some teeth coming into places where the baby teeth used to be. She isn’t tall yet and has no need to dress like a teenager that is trying to be beautiful or be like someone that she isn’t.

Lilly is beautiful the way that she is.

When she told me her name, she beamed.

We talked about what she liked in Harry Potter. She came alive in those short few moments with me as she shared her life. I am a Grandpa and I love kids… and kids talk to me easily.

Then I asked Lilly how old she was.

She beamed from ear to ear and said, “I am eight.”

It was at that minute in time that my world was shaken deeply. I must have stumbled before I said anything because Lilly watched me… as did her Grandma.. I replied with, “Wow, that’s great!”

Lilly and Grandma left… and I packed up to go home. But I couldn’t stop thinking of Lilly.

That morning I had just read the account of the court proceedings as Michael Rafferty is standing trial for the murder of young Tori Stafford. His girlfriend’s testimony had been reported in the newspaper by Rosie DiManno.

I had read how Rafferty had brutally raped Tori in the back seat of his car as his girlfriend Terri-Lynne McClintic watched his bare behind sticking out the little car’s open door. I read how Terri-Lynne had promised the little girl it would be alright… and even started holding her hand as Rafferty raped her again, with the young girl screaming…

Then I read how Terri-Lynne claimed that she placed a bag over the young girl’s face and smashed her head with a hammer to kill her…

Yesterday morning I nearly died as I read the vivid account of the rape and murder of Tori.

When Lilly looked at me from her beauty and beamed saying, “I am eight…” _ I couldn’t speak.

Tori Stafford was eight as well… and likely was very much like Lilly.

I have tried to stop thinking of Tori and Lilly… but I can’t. They are both etched deep into my mind.

Tori is now safe away from this horrific scene – but she is gone. In my mind she is tucked into a heavenly place well away from the horrors that she last new in her own short life.

I am pretty sure that Rafferty’s and McClintic’s names will not be on that roster for that heavenly place – at least it appears to be so in my small mind.

I also know that when Mr. Rafferty arrives at Millhaven Prison for his assessment before entering his long stay, a whole lot of people there will know him well. Many watch TV like I do… Now there is an outside chance that he will be fast tracked to the range that the other very sick people now live forever. I wish him a long life of nothingness… and that will happen in his prison cell 23 ½ hours per day forever…
So you question my thought that he is guilty before being found guilty in the court he now sits in each day...?

No problem at all… he will be found guilty and he will pay dearly… that is my best guess. Just what he pays for and his part in this crime against an 8 year old and the rest of society… is up to one jury… and one judge… and then a prison filled with really bad people that all know….

Tori Stafford I am so sorry for what happened. I am appalled that our society and all that it offers produces the Rafferty and McClintic types of sick people.

God help us all.
Terri-Lynne McClintic - Tori Stafford
~ Murray Lincoln ~


1 comment:

  1. I say Let M.R. take whatever the other prisoners dish out. Why should he be protected.
    Who protected poor, little Tori??

    Sorry--maybe not what Jesus would say---
