Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
“Consumer Desire Storm”… CDS When “Want” and “Need” rub against each other inside of you
I am in recovery now. One day later and the senses are just coming back after drinking a really large coffee.
Yesterday my wife and I did something very young – again. We wondered through and then took part in the Toronto Sportsman Show.
Our part in this adventure was to help as volunteers in the Buckhorn District Tourist Association’s booth at the show. We gave out the information about this amazing part of Ontario. The results were good and we met many great people that may well come to our area for a summer or winter visit.
Recovery? Yep. That is what it feels like today.
I wandered and wondered through the Show and was overwhelmed. I wanted to buy something from every booth and every company!
I was overwhelmed by all that I want… and struggled with the fact that I don’t need anything. Talk about a contrast to live with inside of me! The feeling inside is much like that of the Thunder Storm the other day – where two opposing factions collide and BOOM you have lightening flashing, followed by the super loud Band and BOOM of the Thunder.
When “Want” and “Need” rub against each other inside of you – you have a “Consumer Desire Storm”… CDS!
Recovery is from CDS today!
I did find the ultimate thing that would bring a huge smile on my face – I am sure of that. And I would try to get my wife to understand that – but she is way too wise for me. Sheesh!
That something is the YikeBike. It is like a tricycle that I once rode as a little boy… but without two back wheels as it only has one back wheel… and a larger front wheel… and the handle bar is behind your butt… with the seat between the handle bars.
Now doesn't that sound great? Doesn't it make you want to try at least? Take a look at http://www.yikebike.com/
I used to ride on my friend’s handle bars as he took me to his house for some fun. It is kind of like that. Only this had no friend pushing peddles – only an electric motor…
My wife waited patiently at the sidelines as I drooled over this new contraption. I watched the young guys struggle to keep their balance as they tried it out. They were pretty good.
The thought flashed in my mind… “I CAN DO THAT TOO!” But as if mental telepathy was active again… I looked at my wife and her gaze was steady and unmoving… with the look saying clearly – “Don’t even think about it!”
But I need one. It would be so cool to ride over to McDonalds for my early morning coffee… and have the other old guys drool and be totally blown away by my new toy!
Then there was the amazing tent display… you cannot believe the new tents that they have developed to make it more comfortable to go further into the back country to encounter more wildlife!
But you should have seen the gun display and the powerful scopes that they have now made! Wow!
I think I need some of all of these things. Nuts the CDS is in full rage again.
I need to go to another show today in Peterborough… I just have to…
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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