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Today’s Blog Post
Is Madonna Old and should she quit prancing around?
We have to live in the strangest society… and the strangest times. Things are not equal for people in our society.
Now everyone will jump to a conclusion at my statement. Everyone will think of money first I imagine.
But it is not money.
I take you to the weird and whacky world of the Rock Star. People who make unbelievable money off of what you and I like in music and style are my best example.
This phenomena has being going on for hundreds of years. It happened way back before people were able to make recordings of voices and music. If a person was good at what they were able to do in music, playing or singing, they were lifted to high places in society and given great favors. They always lived better than the person that couldn’t play or sing.
Society for some reasons places great value on talent that is centered around music.
So it would appear that the things are not equal in this area. Maybe? That is part of it.
Society also has another unequal area as well. That is age. Young is better than old. Young can do more than old. Young is more desirable than old. Old tries to be young… and young tries desperately to be or look old.
In all areas of society this old – young, young – old conflict or tension is huge. And the tension has existed more so in recent eras.
There was a time when young respected old. There was a time old loved young and trusted them, relied on them. But sadly in our generations now this is not so much anymore.
I would go so far to say that instead of the words respect, loved, trusted, and relied on – the words and ideas of no respect, mistrust, hate, self-reliance has replaced the old fashioned ideals that were once part of what many of us knew growing up.
As part of the Baby Boomer Generation I have witnessed this happen clearly in my time. When we were kids we were raised to live by the ideals and words that I mentioned. But now as we have aged and become old the next generations seem to have forgotten or chucked aside the things that we were taught and knew so well.
I think the Baby Boomers tried to impart what they were taught and the ideals that they were raised by. But somehow it changed.
But it wasn’t just the Baby Boomer’s offspring that changed, it was our group as well.
Now I want to bring two areas that I have mentioned above… together.
There is no place that the great differences show up more than in the world of the Rock Stars. When you are old and a rock star you are definitely treated differently. And if you are a woman you are treated differently than a man.
The recent talk about the feelings that some have about Madonna and her age being 53… and she still keeps on singing and acting like a teenager… and in some situations with her rock star outfits on… looks like a teenager!(or something much younger!!!)
But the odd and really weird thing is that teenagers are trying to act and look like her in her 53rd year. And she has acted and dressed like this since she was much younger. The problem for some is that the person she was and is hasn’t changed much over the years as she has grown older.
At the same time this business of Madonna being 53 is being debated, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and it Kingdom has now served as the second longest reigning royal person in history.
The old girl still keeps going. Her clothes have changed to match her body shape. Her style has been chosen to match her age and physical person.
Now stop for a moment and think. What would happen if Madonna and Queen Elizabeth II were to switch ways of thinking? Elizabeth could dress young and Madonna dress old.
Hmmm? Would they still be the person they are? Can you have a young Elizabeth and an Old Madonna?
Could we have an Elizabeth stop doing what she is doing now, or has society switched its thinking a huge amount and we start to cheer her on. We would like to see her keep going.
Yet with Madonna and her way of being the rock star at 53 there is a question as to her continuing. Many think it is nuts for her to keep prancing around at her age!!! Imagine!
On the side, I think, because she is prancing and dancing the way she does, she still looks like someone that is much, much younger! Mind you I see that through a camera lens that is perhaps doctored and a set design that has so much happening that I can’t see the wrinkles.
And most important, when I see her I am running a mental comparison to the other 53 year old women in my life experience that certainly don’t look like her, act like her, or sing like she does.
In fact the funny thing is trying to visualize my 53 year old women friends in Madonna’s outfits. Oh boy! Bad visual! Their husbands might have suggested or maybe thought of it… and gave up for fear of being dead by morning!
Our society has some very great problems dealing with the Rock Star today as they grow old.
Away back before TV and Movies and Music Videos there were Opera Stars. When the women got older they kept going long into their senior years. They dressed up very funny, put on weird makeup and kept on singing their old hearts out.
Why is it that Madonna is looked at differently? The average old, Opera Star showed way more cleavage than Madonna does. But Madonna has better legs in my humble opinion.
Now look at another contrast with the Rock Star men of today. All of the famous old guys still go one dressing up, singing and acting like the complete ninny they always were in their younger years.
Old men that act strange and stay on stage for a long time are cool. No one thinks it odd that the guy(s) is(are) older than Madonna and still does his thing.
There are number of guys that do that now – even when they are getting really old. And we revere them, still seeing them as they were when they were younger.
None of them shows that more than Gene Simmons, the wildest guy ever from his group KISS.
Take a close look at this photo – the dude is 62 to 64 years old and we love it! At least some do.
As I stated earlier – society is strange.
Keep on kicking Madonna. Personally I love much of your music – for an old girl you rock.
Can you imagine Madonna singing in church some day? Sorry – you just fell off your chair. But if I imagined that Gene Simmons was in church… well he needs to be doesn’t he!?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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