Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
How do you learn? I learn best by doing
For the past few weeks I have been preparing for some upcoming shows. Also I have been preparing for the next stage of our business adventures. This next stage is not an area that I have known a lot about and the need far exceeds my ability to understand.
Simply put I have been discovering brand new things in my life. It is the new adventure and new discoveries that have kept my life sizzling.
I have found again an old truth and something that I have known about myself for a long time. I need to do something in order to understand it. I have books about what I am doing or trying to do… but by starting to do it… I learn. I get a basis of what I am going to learn in the book, but I get what I am trying to keep by doing it.
My friend David gave me a new graphic via Facebook. This graphic describes my life and ability 100%. Take a look…
You can see that from a Lecture I retain about 5%. From reading a book I retain about 10%. Audio visual – 20%, Demonstration – 30%, Discussion Group – 50%, Practice by doing – 75%, and finally Teaching Others – 90%. (Click on Image to enlarge)
No wonder school was hard at times for some students. I know what that feels like to struggle with some topic that is simply killing me. When the lecturer is torturing me… when the book is murder to plow through… when the demo makes no sense at all.
I know that problem as well as any other guy.
But give me a “hands on” class where I can do something with what you have told me and I am so on fire with the new things I am doing that I cannot quit or go home.
Recently I began doing another form of art work. I am now working in Digital Art work and Painting. Instead of a real brush I use a special stylus that is connected to my computer.
All these years I have been good at drawing and putting colour to my drawings. Now with a simple click here and a swish there I can make a Digital Image come alive.
I wrote of a Eureka Moment that has been happening for me a few posts back. That was some of what I was referring to. That “AaHA!” moment when it all makes sense. That time when all that you have read and all that some one told you comes into an amazing focus… and you can say, “Yes, now I understand!! I have got it!”
In working with some amazing computer programs that click and pop and whiz away, my creative idea springs to life. I can draw, but now my drawings come alive!
Now ‘old tyme’ oil and water colour painters likely would freak when they hear me expound the way that I do. They would never do what I do!!! Well okay… but have they ever tried?
Now having to clean up old paint brushes and my clothes that became splattered/smudged with the paint.. is so cool. I do not need water or oil to do what I used to do. I simply need a click and swish and another click and – WOW! I can’t believe that I did that!.
I have some grandson that do well in school. They pass their tests with flying colours after listening to their teacher talk. Others do not do so well. The ones that don’t do so well simply need hands on stuff – not talk stuff. And when they get it they excel. Grandpa gave them all that he had… hands on is best.
Do I think that I will become a great digital artist? Nope… not likely – but I will be very good because I have me hands on something that I love to do.
Why do this kind of thing at almost 68 years old?
Well it seems that my drawings and illustrations are now becoming some folk really want to own. In about a week’s time the Crop Circles Web Site will have some of my new images on it for the whole world to see.
To get ready and have a sneak preview click here http://www.cropcircles.ca/shop/ and then when it all comes live you will be able to see a whole lot more by clicking on the “Gallery” button at the top.
Clicking on the “Gallery” now and “Shirley’s Doodles” you will get a hint of what is to come. I love the presentation of Shirley’s designs and can’t wait for mine to get up there as well!
I am honored to have one of my drawings in the Title of the Web Page now! Thanks Ted and Helen!
As a sneak preview I am letting you see what happens when I draw a chicken…
The Drawing.. and The Colouring…
This is so much fun!!!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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