Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Day Brighteners from my Friends

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
The Day Brighteners from my Friends

I think if it wasn’t for my friends and some of the stuff that they send my way I would go crazy. I need to laugh some times and when you are buried in non-laughable things – you can’t do it on your own!

On Facebook I think there are almost more funny things than anywhere else. Today I need to laugh and perhaps do you too. It is January and the weather is fluctuating again. Up and Down temperatures … and soon another big down turn. And if you happen to be shut up in a house and don’t get out much… you need something to laugh at.

So let’s laugh together.

Here is some of my collection of things that have made me smirk over these past few days. And thank you to all that sent them my way.

(BTW – if you would like to save these to your computer, simply left click on the photo and a second window should open on your screen. Next – right click on the larger photo and it will ask you if you would like to save the image… tell your computer where you want to save it.)

I love these ….

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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