Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Day of Celebration for the “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy”

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

A Day of Celebration for the “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy”

Today’s post is my email to Jeff Leal, our Ontario Provincial Parliament member. Jeff was reelected this past October 2011.

Today is a Celebration Day for the Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy. In 2008 I founded this organization along with my faithful friends and supporters in the Peterborough area. Since that time it has grown to be a Province wide support group. Today our Blog reached the Number 1000 post… and prayer level.

My Email to Jeff Leal’s Office and the support staff at the Peterborough riding office.

Good morning Jeff and staff.

Today is a special day for me and the Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy. Today is the Number 1000 Post to our Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy Blog http://prayforleaderstoday.blogspot.com/ 

Three years ago when the Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy was launched our goal then was to motivate as many people in Ontario as possible to do one special thing. That something special was to support all of our leaders in the Ontario Provincial Parliament - Queen's Park through prayer.

With this posting today we have also reached other levels in our work and ministry as well. There has been 14,853 visitors to the Blog and 25,057 pages read over in these three years.

We are also aware that many more than the "computer savy" folk are following the Ontario Leaders. An even greater number follow the TV and Cable Programs each time they are available. In my presentations about our Chaplaincy work I have encouraged our older audiences to make a point of following what is happening with our leaders.

The other day we all watched you explain many good things about Peterborough and specially the Home Hardware of Lansdowne Street. That was fun for our Peterborough followers!

However there is no way to know the exact number that are supporting in prayer. The support base is across many denominations and people groups.

Our original goal was to motivate and have 5000 people per day. That goal remains in the forefront of what we do.

A side note - at the same time I launched the Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy I also launched "Misty Hollow Carving". It is now growing toward a more diversified company which is "Misty Hollow".

Both the Chaplaincy and the entrepreneurial work necessary for "Misty Hollow", keeps me very busy. Added to that, I volunteer with our Federal Parole Office and all that it does in our community as the Chair for the CAC.

Actually I am almost too busy and not able to attend some of the Parliamentary sessions in Toronto. But that too is one of my other goals to accomplish soon on a regular basis.

My hope and prayer for you and your staff this week and season is that you would be greatly blessed in every way. Merry Christmas to all of you! And THANK YOU for all that you do for our Community and our Province!

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Note to my readers – wherever you are located.
To celebrate with me wherever you are in the world, please call your local, elected leader and tell them how much you appreciate them. If you are a person that believes in prayer, why not pray for your leader and then let them know you are supporting them.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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