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Today’s Blog Post
The Best Memories – collected and written down
“Grandpa, my coach really liked what you wrote!” Clifford said.
Now this isn’t the most exciting opening to my post today… but it may be the most important one for you!
I have been thinking of Memories over this Christmas season. I started by the quote I found a while ago, “Memories are the Library of the Mind”.
I have an idea for you for your personal Christmas Gift this year. It is the best one that you will ever receive. It is also the best one that you will be able to give your family. Are you ready for this?
Write down your memories! How ever you do it – just start doing it. And if you are doing it – keep doing it. Your family will love it when you pour out what you remember from your life.
Likely if you are reading this Blog, you understand the workings of a computer. You need to use the computer to get the thoughts, memories and all that you are into a recorded memory.
It is better to use it that way – than play Farmville or Solitaire for hours on end. If you are doing just that… imagine after you are gone your grandkids will tell their kids that, “Grandpa could play a mean game of Farmville, Solitaire and whatever on the computer… and he sent Greeting Cards to us at Christmas…!” Your grandkids will hear at that pronouncement and ask, “What is Farmville dad?”
When your Grandkids grow up they will not likely have Farmville to try to beat your score. They will want to know who you were.
I can guarantee that the kids will appreciate it. I am absolutely sure that your grandkids will love it – someday.
Now I know that some will gaff at my suggestion and claim that they could never do that kind of thing. And I know that most of my relatives of two or more generations before me believed that too. Either they had no time, or saw no reason for it to ever be done. They passed into memory of some and the rest of us just never knew them. I only know my great grandfather’s names and the little that they did to or with my own grandparents. For the most part they are not in my Memories at all.
Unless I pass on what I know my kids will never know. Unless I place my Memories out there my grandkids will never know what I felt.
Unless you do something about your life and record it somehow – you will also be a distant Memory – or no Memory at all.
Words written down are powerful.
Even pictures drawn are a powerful record of what we saw and how we saw it. Think of the drawings on the walls of caves by Cave Men of long ago!
Last night the value of my words written down came home to me with a powerful force. My words had meant something to my Grandson. WOW!
Today’s illustration…
On Monday night my Grandson Clifford called to speak with me. I was out visiting and came home late after he had gone to bed – so I didn’t call him back right away. His message seemed to be urgent. Last night I called him back.
His voice was excited as he told me of what happened at his “Football Banquet” on Monday night. The boys and their families had joined together to finalize their season with food at the Boston Pizza.
As Clifford spoke to me on the phone I smiled.
The audience was made up of the Players from the Adam Scott Lions football team along with their parents and their coaches.
Some point in the celebration evening Clifford explained, the coach rose to share some words with his team and audience that were gathered.
Clifford told me that the Coach explained he was going to read something that he had found. He explained how much he appreciated the words and the article that he was about to read to them. Then he began reading the article.
As Clifford listened to the Coach read the words he looked up in astonishment. He told me excitedly on the phone, “My coach was reading what you wrote Grandpa. I remembered that you told me that you had written about our team on your Blog!”
There were lots of other words that Clifford told me on the phone last night. And in his own special way through the words he told me how much he and his coach appreciated the words that I had written down and published for the world to read.
The fact that his coach had found something and then read it to the team made it even more important. The coach has established a relationship and respect of his team members that is simply amazing! To have his coach make the statement he did and then he read the words that were printed… was important. But to make the connection that his own Grandpa had written the words was the coolest part of the Banquet.
“Grandpa, my coach really liked what you wrote!” Clifford said over and over again.
I grinned and felt a warmth inside of me that was brand new. My Memories had made a difference. Recording what I saw and felt that tough day of the last football game – had struck a note for the Coach, for the families and the for this amazing football team – the Adam Scott Lions of 2011!
If you would like to read what the coach read for his team... check out http://murraylincoln.blogspot.com/2011/11/football-winning-even-when-you-lose.html
Thanks Coach of the Adam Scott Lions and all the assistant coaches as well. You guys have changed the course of one young man’s life (and all the rest I am sure) with the amazing work that you have done this year.
And by reading this simple Blog Posting at your special night, you encouraged this old man to keep writing. Thanks coach!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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