Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Unveiling of the Misty Hollow line of Illustrations - TODAY

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

The Unveiling of the Misty Hollow line of Illustrations - TODAY

Today I feel like a school boy coming home with a treasure. Just feeling like a young boy again is amazing, but having a treasure to show “Mom and Dad” is even better. I remember this feeling I am having now… it happened about 61 years ago – in that first year and first class at my first school. WOW – what a feeling! It was so great that it has never disappeared.

I was the oldest child in our family. I was the one that got to go to school first. My sister, only a year and a half younger, had to wait until next year. My brother was still a baby. My youngest sister was not yet a thought, she would come along 6 years later. At that moment I was savoring things that the others could only dream about.

On that special day I held in my hand my first drawing that I could take home to show my family.

The teacher had kept my other drawings to help decorate the room and show the other kids.

For all those early years my Mom had encouraged me to draw. She provided the paper, the pencils, and sometimes the crayons that I needed to get my ideas out. By the time I entered school I was an “artist”. Mom had also found a great way to have the kids keep out of trouble for long periods of time, give them something to draw with… and Murray would sit for hours doing just that.

For the next 12 years I would excel in my drawings and any class where I needed to illustrate something that we were studying. In the classes that didn’t need drawings done, I doodled in every white space that I found. My text books quite honestly looked like they had been through Tattoo Parlors!

Drawing has been part of my life since the beginning. It has been a thread of gold woven through all parts of my life fabric.

Now in my 67th year I am skipping along the sidewalk today with my brand new set of drawings. Today is the first day that I can show my new drawings officially to all my friends. Today is the first day I can show off the first wave of “Misty Hollow” illustrations.

Through my amazing friends, Helen and Ted at “Crop Circles” in Peterborough, my drawings and sketching has come alive. In the past few weeks each drawing has been placed in its packaging and is now being sold.

Today I show them for the first time!


Well to my delight it is the same place that I last worked and retired from… the Northview Church in Peterborough, Ontario! Some of my old friends will undoubtedly be there – and I will be able to show them.

Then in the next few weeks I will be showing them over and over again to a waiting world.

If all goes well, the drawings and sketches will come “online” in the next little while. All the internal stuff that needs to be done on a Web Site is being tested now. Within days my “skipping home” to show Mom what I drew will be World Wide… and if it goes the way that some think it might, we are about to see a new income source begin flowing!!!

I think I have just passed the “skipping home” mark and am about to do a cartwheel or so!

So if you are able to get to the Christmas Craft Show and Sale at Northview, you can be one of the first of my friends to see what has happened. It is at the corner of Fairbarin Street and Tower Hill Road. It starts at 10 AM and goes till the afternoon.

I would love to see you there.

BTW – today is the start of “Misty Hollow Fudge” as well. It is absolutely the best Fudge that you will ever taste. It is right from the Kitchens of Misty Hollow as well. MMMMmmm MMMm MMMMM MM!

~ Murray Lincoln ~ 

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