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Today’s Blog Post
The “IAPBIW” or “IIPBIW” is now complete – school physics problems solved
As their van pulled out of the driveway last evening my Grandson yelled loudly from the window, “Thanks Grandpa for helping me!”
I smiled. He was very happy and so excited about his creation now sitting in my workshop.
“It” is now almost ready for the presentation on or about December 16th. It will be shown and tested in his Grade Eleven Physics Class at High School and is worth a good chunk of his mark in the class.
The “It” that I am trying to describe is a top secret machine that he has created out of junk found in my workshop. (I always knew that the junk would be of great help to someone!)
He and I have given the “It” machine a name. It is called the “IAPBIW” or also “IIPBIW”.
That stands for “It Isn’t Pretty But It Works” or “It Aint Pretty But It Works”.
But most of all it should be called the “ILHF” Machine – or “It Lit His Fire” Machine.
On November 19th Blog posting I began the outline of the idea. Ten days later the project is almost complete and I can report that the plan was greatly modified.
I can also report that Clifford is treating this as a Top Secret Project for the time being. His friends at school are scrambling for ideas and need help to even get started. All kinds of ideas are swirling but nothing is gelling yet for them. With just over two weeks left there is going to be some panic going down at the different homes.
Clifford has not shared his “IAPBIW” or “IIPBIW” with any of them. He has talked to his teacher about the project and given small hints about what he is making, but is unwilling to disclose what the details are until the unveiling on the 16th.
Here is the challenge that the teacher gave Clifford. He is to create a machine that by using wind power, it will raise a weight of at least 50 grams up to the 75 centimeter mark. The materials used should be from objects that are ebing recycled around the home. If it is heavier and higher he will get the better mark. If someone beats him his mark will be lower. (Originally in my November 19th post I had stated that it was to be a 1 to 2 kilogram weight – 50 grams is much lighter.)
Last evening the top secret “IAPBIW” or “IIPBIW” was easily raising a bucket filled with tools and weighing in at 3.25 kilograms! And from what I have seen it is not slowing down one bit when more weight is added. Doing the simple math here… the “IAPBIW” or “IIPBIW” is now raising 60 times the goal set by his teacher… and it may go higher!
I can share the list of what is in the “IAPBIW” or “IIPBIW”… but not how they are put together until after the 16th of December.
Clifford has included the following…
- An old bicycle rim
- A number large plastic pop bottles – the 2 liter size
- An old golf club
- Parts and pieces of an old metal lawn chair
- Wooden pulleys that he made
- Old sandpaper
- A long piece of cord that is used to lift
- A Canola Oil container
- Lots of aluminum wire
- Old wood scraps – 2 X 4 and 2 X 6 pieces left over from my odd jobs
- Some screws and bolts and nuts to keep it all together
In the testing stages last evening Clifford grinned from ear to ear as he increased the weight in the Canola Oil bucket. “Yes!” was his excited exclamation over and over again. 1 kilogram, 2 kilograms and the then 3 kilograms… and no sign of stopping.
“When I start this at school do you think I should start with the maximum weight or start small and add more and more weight to it?” Clifford asked me. “I will get three tries to make it work…”
For that I do not have answer. Starting bigger and increasing a little at a time might be best… maybe 2 kilograms up to 3 and then go a bit more until the weight is too great for the wind powered veins before they crumble and shudder to a stop – dying a pitiful death in front of fellow students.
The question in my mind as I watched Clifford increase the load… is… “Do we want to go to a maximum with the potential of it breaking up in one colossal, earth shaking moment… and he will have to start all over again?”
Flying 2 liter pop bottles that are loosely connected by aluminum wire will likely start to fold back under pressure. Oh Boy! I don’t think Grandpa will be able to take it… the suspense is just too great!
This project has been good. It is good because one grandson and one grandpa worked together. When he needed advice I gave it… where suggestions might help. When he needed to use the tools in the shop I showed him how – but he did it himself.
As he worked along he stated an interesting thought… “By the time all the grandkids get through high school the projects you help with will get better and better.”
“Grandpa I think I will give this the Machine to Jonathan (his cousin one year younger) to use in his Physics class.” Clifford stated with a grin.
My response was, “I am not sure that my workshop can store all these projects from the next 6 years as all the grandkids head into Grade Eleven Physics!” The youngest grandson is now 10 years old.
This project was for this moment in time. It is for me to enjoy the most right now and for Clifford to remember forever. The bond that two guys have made through the creation of a Monster Machine is forever.
The fact that there are now 5 more grandkids that are coming along in a short while to invade my workshop… is just plain amazing!
If you see me beaming from ear to ear… you will see what my heart is feeling at this moment.
On the December 16th I will be waiting anxiously outside of school to see how the IAPBIW or IIPBIW has done. Then tenderly we will transport it home. However, there is a possibility that it will remain on display for some days to come!
Oh Boy… I can’t wait!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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