Saturday, October 8, 2011

The word “Hot” is not about the weather!

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

The word “Hot” is not about the weather!

So I typed in the words, “What does it mean to say that someone is "hot"?” I had to find an explanation. This is what I received back from my Google Search… after referring me to “Yahoo Answers”…

Amir wrote these words to ask this question… quote…
“I just moved to the U.S from Iran to finish high school and when I walked in one of my classes all the girls were smiling at me and they looked shocked. However all the boys were rolling their eyes and they looked angry at me. Throughout that day all the girls were saying "That new guy is hot" and they were all looking at me. I keep looking around me but I'm not on fire so I guess it can't mean a fire. And only the girls were saying this, not the guys. Is this some club? Is this something just temporary because I'm new to the U.S? Is this an insult? Should I call the police? Can somebody also be cold too? I keep asking some guy classmates and all they say is that I'm wasted. It's so hard to sleep without knowing why everyone keeps on calling me "hot" and I just want to sit here and knock my teeth out of my head. Can someone please tell me what this is?” End quote.

Doc N… suggested an answer – quote…
“Amir jan, no need to worry. Being called "hot" means that you appear attractive to the ladies. The guys, as always, are jealous.  Best of wishes for you in America.” End quote

So there it is… some one that is “hot” is considered to be attractive to the opposite sex.

I have got a Big Problem if that is actually true. Hokey Mokey!

The Setting for this story…
This is a long weekend in Canada. It is an extended holiday as we are celebrating our “Canadian Thanksgiving”.

This special weekend for my wife and I means that 3 of our Grandsons from Whitby can come to stay with us for the whole weekend. They range in age from 15 years old to 10 years old. In fact Christopher, the 10 year old, celebrates his Birthday with us this weekend.

The setting for this story actually takes place in our vehicle on the way to Campbellford, Ontario as we are traveling to see another Grandson play football.

Our vehicle has five seats. That gives Alida and me each a seat along with the three boys. If their other brother would have come we would need to rent a bigger vehicle!

Now Grandma Alida with her wisdom placed one of the bigger boys in the front seat beside Grandpa. The other two sit on each side of her in the rear seat area.

Of course Grandma plans it this way because she can talk with her boys better on a longer drive. She gives them her wisdom and they share their ideas with her… and their stories.

Christopher, the 10 year old, is one handsome young fellow. I would say the word “cute” but as a man I reserve that for little girls – not my Grandson! His tussled hair, freckles, big grin and sharp eyes, together with his soft mannerism he is great looking kid!

The girls all think he is a “Wow!” kind of guy!

Now at 10 years old he is coming alive with his knowledge and reactions to girls as well.

As I listened from the front driver’s seat, Christopher was telling Grandma about the girls in his school. In a matter of fact he described a couple of the girls as “hot”. That was said with a big grin on his face.

I heard Grandma sputter a little as she asked Christopher, “Why do you say they are ‘Hot’? How come you use that word about them?”

I responded, “Grandma that means they are sexy!” to which Christopher grinned from ear to ear and giggled.

Then he looked at Grandma and said something priceless, “Grandma, you are ‘hot’!”

At that very moment I was looking at my wife’s face in the rear view mirror of our vehicle. The look on her face was priceless! There were no immediate words for her to utter. Her mouth was open but nothing came out right away.

I nearly lost it! I quickly had to concentrate on the road and bite my lip. Inside I was killing myself with a supressed laugh. The little guy, just turning 10, already knew what I have known for 49 years… “THIS WOMAN IS HOT!”

I am married to one “Hot Woman”!

But I also can tell you that Christopher knows how to mold a woman(or a girl) around one of his little 10 year old fingers. Last night Grand was making Ginger Cookies for Christopher before she went to bed! Imagine a WHOLE COOKIE JAR FULL! MMMmmm MMM M! Christopher knows his stuff!

Now the cookie jar was empty – I admit that. The boys had emptied it early in the day.

Now I have big problems. This wonderful woman, Alida Lincoln, is “HOT”… and that is not from Hot Flashed either. She is the coolest Grandma going and all the grandsons love her. Her Granddaughter Emma thinks she is the best of the best!

And Grandpa Lincoln, that would be me, has not stopped thinking of her as being “Hot”. That long time ago, beside her, there was no comparisons with anyone else! When we first met right up to now, 49 years later – she is one Hot lady!

And Christopher – you know it!

~ Murray Lincoln ~ 

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