Monday, October 31, 2011

Old Memories of China come rushing back

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

Old Memories of China come rushing back
It has now been 26 years since I returned from working in China – specifically Hong Kong. That was 1985.

There are so many wonderful memories from that time of my life. I wish I was young enough again to live that part all over again. Oh so many wonderful memories rush over me this morning.

Through a unique contact again, actually an email that was relegated to my Spam Email box, I opened it and read “Cherry’s” invitation.

Cherry’s email read as follows… quote…
Dear leader
This is Cherry from Wujiang Xuanzhiyao Silk Textile CO., LTD. We are pleased to know you and your esteemed company from internet.

We supply many kinds of fabric, such as taslan, nylon taffeta, and cotton nylon polyester pongee and so on. Our company has its own factory, we are the producer. The principle of our company is “Quality first, Customer foremost”. We will do our best to satisfy you!
More information can refer to our website:
Looking forward to your reply. Thank you!
Best regard,
Address: NO.1760, West road, East silk Market, Shengze Town, Wujiang City, Jiangsu Province, China.
Tel 86-512-60667977
Fax: 86-512-63576757
Mobile: 86-13338016810
Skype :xzytex
End email quote..

I responded with the following email to her…

Thank you for your email. It arrived to my Spam folder... and I unSpamed it. Although at this time I am not ready to purchase your products, I am in contact with others from time to time that might be. I will let them know of your business as well.

My personal company is primarily wood carving but it is diversifying in other areas now as well.

My interest is in China for sure. As a Canadian I know some of China well. I used to live in Hong Kong with my wife and two daughters. We had the opportunity to travel to parts of southern China often. My trips to China were primarily for leisure and personal interest but while there I built a number of business contacts through creative and artistic people that I had met.

That was between 1980 and 1985 when many people from North America had not been able to come into China very often. We as Canadians were rather odd as we walked through the streets of the cities!

As well I had learned to speak Cantonese and can read some of the Chinese language... adding a bit of Mandarin to my language ability as well(but not very good in this area). I was an oddity for sure in 1981 as I toured China for the first time.

China became a one of the "great loves" in our lives.

When we returned to Canada, our great joy has been to help University Students that have come from China to study in our different Universities. So far that has been in Toronto, Ontario; Regina, Saskatchewan; and now in Peterborough, Ontario. Because of our love for your country and our experience there... it was natural to come to know these students here.

A famous American business man names J. C. Penny - founder of the Department Store - "J. C. Penny" made a statement that has deeply affected my own perception and my own business. He said, "Every great business is built on Friendship".

I believe that and have endeavored to do that with my own business "Misty Hollow Carving".

By the way, while living in Hong Kong I worked as a teacher. I also worked with projects to help the Hong Kong youth find new meaning in their lives. Many of the students that we worked with had to leave school early so that a brother or sister could go to a better school. All of the family supported that selected child.

Many of the youth that couldn't continue in school worked in factories that were not offering any further training. The work place that they were relegated to was almost a "prison experience". By using the creative things that I do I developed new interesting classes for the young adults and adults to take part in. The many different factory workers attended these classes and developed new skills... plus they developed new skills with their English speaking. Both areas began to show in their daily work and some were promoted to new areas in their companies and life.

This project that we developed helped adults and young adults find a new life. For me personally it was very fulfilling to see the transformations in each life.

During this time of working in Hong Kong, I met with the Governor of Hainan Province in China. He had heard what we were doing with our special programs. He was very impressed to say the least. He asked if I would come to his Province and help with the workers in his communities that had been injured in their work place... so that they could continue to be productive members of the society and communities of Hainan again.

I was deeply moved by his invitation.

A very wealthy Hong Kong business man was involved with me and also knew the Governor. He brought the two of us together.

I could not go to Hainan Island Province at that time as I had to return to Canada with my family. But I encouraged the Governor that I would not forget him and his request. I would pass it on to other Canadians that I knew might be able to help Hainan and his people.

Through an amazing series of events other Canadians did go to Hainan Province in the very south of China. In unique ways they were and are helping the people of China.

Personally I felt a loss in that I couldn't stay and do what I was doing to help China. I had to return to Canada for my own daughters and their further education. I needed to support them personally.

When I lived in Regina - a city in Western Canada - a unique thing happened. A University Professor from Hainan University came to study in the University of Regina. Through one of the Canadians that was working in Hainan an introduction was made. This Professor and I became very close friends.

When his studies in English were being done in Regina, he was writing a book to help Chinese students in his University to learn English better. He asked me to do the art illustrations for this book. That was a great honor for me - to say the least. I was again helping students in China in a very unique way.

Today I am 67 years old. I an retired and have been building my own business of "Misty Hollow". It has been going well.

Your email is another unique contact to "my China" - the one that I love so much.

Finally... you may recognize my family name. One of my relatives was at one time very famous. His name was President Abraham Lincoln - the famous American President that was shot.

Cherry it is very good to meet you this way. I hope and trust that your day and week will go very well. I welcome your friendship.

Murray Lincoln
Misty Hollow Carving
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

So today… again… I have been reliving my China experience from the past. I cannot really explain the deep love I have for this amazing country.

I wish that I was 26 years younger again. Then I could take up the new opportunity that is sitting right in front of me – all over again.

BUT – maybe – just maybe that through my new email contact.. something good will come of this.

Cherry and I will try to help where I can.

~ Murray Lincoln ~ 

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