Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Celebrating Three Wonderful Years of being One in 1,116,423

Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.

My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.

To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/

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Today’s Blog Post
Celebrating Three Wonderful Years of being One in 1,116,423
I have always known I was different. I have been known as unique, creative, ‘has potential’, and ‘needs to apply himself’. Personally I could add complicated, strange, and a few other things that are maybe not something I would put in print if I was going to submit a resume for a job. But then at 67 years old and slipping closer to 68 each day – I don’t do resumes any more.

Resumes at my age are considered eulogies – which may include all kinds of exaggerations that go from comical to outright lies. But then anyone that could verify what was said or printed is likely without their short or long term memory… or already dead!

But is very comforting to know that in the present world I am one of a kind. I am One in 1,116,423 as of December 2010. Having launched a small business that is still alive and well keeps me in this category.

But this group of 1,116,423 represents 98% of all Employer Businesses in Canada.

It also hires 5,131,147 employees – which is 48.3% of Canada’s workforce!

But something that is even more unique about me is that I am One in 2.7 Million People in Canada that is self-employed. Not only do I have a small business but I am also self-employed.

But the stats that I was reading also shared a fact that is very true. I work more than 40 hours a week. In the CBC article that I was reading it stated the following… quote…
In 2010, 2.7 million Canadians were self-employed.
35 hours: Average work week for employees in 2010
40 hours: Average work week for the self-employed in 2010
31 per cent of self-employed Canadians reported working more than 50 hours per week in 2010, while 4 per cent of employees worked past that threshold in the same year.
(Source: Statistics Canada)
End quote.

I am working more than 50 hours per week – and love it! So not only am I One in 1,116,423 – I am in the 4% group as well!

Instead of working for someone else, I am the BOSS. I am also the Advertising Manager, Account Executive, Production Line Manager, Quality Control Manager, Research and Design Vice President, Artist and Craftsman producing everything, Shipping and Receiving, and the complete Janitorial staff.

Some businesses have an I.T. Department. My “Misty Hollow” also has the same. I AM IT!

And I am not complaining at all. This is the greatest adventure that I have ever taken on. Moving to Hong Kong and becoming part of China in 1980, learning to speak Cantonese, studying Spanish when we thought we would head to Argentina, of taking on the different leadership roles that I had in Canada… pale beside the adventure of today

40 years of all that I did in a “working world” are not anywhere near as great as the last three years of establishing “Misty Hollow Carving”.

In October 2008 Misty Hollow Carving became a reality. It had been a dream tucked away for “some day” – maybe when I retired at 65 years old. But instead it was strangely brought forward to be not only an idea but a real business – 10 months before the date that I had dreamed of for so long.

Unlike other businesses that struggle to get launched and start producing at the beginning… “Misty Hollow” started with a Big Bang and has been going that way ever since October 2008.

“Misty Hollow” limped a little through the 2009 and into 2010 “recession” shivers – but never stopped. But that pause was a great time to catch my breath and develop new ideas. My “R&D” department flourished during the slower period.

Last evening I spent an hour catching up with emails regarding new orders and new possibilities. Then I spent three more hours producing another potential $400 worth of business. That was after supper time. Before supper time there was more.

Nope I am not bragging about what has happened. I am just very grateful for what has happened. I am delighted to be so blessed. I know that the best has not yet happened. There is a deal coming down the Business Pipe that will blow my company away – soon. I was told recently by someone that knows, “You will never need to carve another piece of wood ever when this is launched!”

But I love taking an old stick that measures ¾” by ¾” by 12 inches long and turning it into $45 in one hour’s time. I like taking a wood chip and in fifteen minutes making it worth $5.

If you have followed this Blog posting over the past few months you will know that I pulled our old Garden Shed down. From just one 2 X 4 board of that old shed it was possible to make $200. I should have kept more boards!

The Best Things I make come from old broken down stuff. I recycle material. Am I trying to be very “Eco Friendly”? Nope – old wood produces great things and great things sell fast!

I am celebrating 3 Years in Business this month. And I am giving God all the credit. I am so thankful for what He has done for me. I am also thankful for a wife that keeps encouraging me with her words and guiding words.

If you have been a customer of “Misty Hollow” – Thank You so much for believing in what we have done! If you are not yet a customer – please contact me NOW – I have some wonderful gifts ready for your Christmas giving!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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