Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sharing the Memories and the Loss with someone special

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
Sharing the Memories and the Loss with someone special
On Saturday my wife and I met Sharon Davis at the airport. It was the start of two week journey back in time for the three of us. What a time we have had so far.

Sharon is my age. We are cousins with many memories from long ago.

She is a Pastors daughter – or as we say in our Ministry Lingo – a PK – Pastor’s Kid. In that role there are many expectations for sure. I didn’t live in that way but rather had two daughters that I am sure remember what it was like to “suffer” being perfect.

Last summer we planned this time together. That was 2010.

 In April 2010, Sharon and her husband Ron were in a horrific accident in Las Vegas, Nevada. Both were hospitalized in serious condition. Sharon was sure she was going to die and in her condition, I think the medical staff thought might happen as well.

Ron was stabilized and was improving. Both he and Sharon were in different parts of the Hospital. Getting into a wheel chair was almost impossible for Sharon. Her injuries were extensive.

One morning early Ron passed away in his hospital room. Sharon never saw him.

It has been a long, long time of healing.

This week it has been wonderful for Alida and Sharon along with me to laugh and remember many old stories together. And it has been wonderful listening to an amazing woman and her recovery process over these months. I have listened and been deeply moved.

We are doing the tourist thing now… each day filled with fun and new things to see. It has been pure joy to share with my very special cousin.

Gotta run… today Sharon is about to have her first Tatting lessons at the Peterborough Square – in front of the Crop Circles Store.

BTW – you are welcome to join us. Tatting shuttles are ready. Yarn is easily wound for your first try. Join us?

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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