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Today’s Blog Post
Sauvons les tous
So my Facebook message from my friend stated the following…quote…
“Y a les seins normaux ( . )( . ) ; les siliconés ( + )( + ) ; les parfaits (o)(o) ; ceux qui ont froid (^)(^) ; et ceux qui ont de l'âge \./\./ ... Sans oublier les gros seins (o Y o) et les tout petits (.)(.) ; puis les asymétriques (•)(.) et aussi les orphelins - (.) !! On les aime tous :p ! Postez ça sur votre mur et dites "Whoa" ┌П┐(◉_◉)┌П┐ au cancer du sein! Sauvons les tous...”
Of course it is French.. and most of my friends cannot speak or read French.
Yet the topic is about Breast Cancer. There is nothing funny about it.
Yet my friend has caught my attention in a wonderful way, in a way that I can relate to.
In our community of Peterborough, men and women join together to take part in our annual Dragon Boat Races. They have fun. These men and women have joined a cause that affects all… every woman and man alive. They raise a lot of money.
Either a family member will have cancer… or perhaps the person themselves will have this dreadful disease. It doesn’t stop with women… but men will get Breast Cancer as well. The disease that has robbed women of an important part of their lives does the same to men. It is devastating to say the least!
Having watched many men and women in many walks of life deal with this issue has been very hard.
Sometimes the Breast Cancer has been defeated or rid from the body. And then at times I have watched another cancer come back, often related in some way to the original Breast Cancer, and take the life of a mom and grandmother.
That part is the hardest for me as Minister. I should have the power being connected to God himself… but rather I find myself very human and very incapable to do anything but stand by the bed when they die.. our suffer treatments of all sorts.
But one thing I can do is give something. I can drop my $5, $10 or whatever I can afford to help someone somewhere.
I thank my friend today for her humorous prodding to an important subject.
BTW… should you be caught not understanding the French – or whatever language… just go to http://translate.google.ca/, copy the text above and then hit translate.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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