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Today’s Blog Post
My Morning Glories and Mourning Doves
Very early this morning as I went out into our backyard the Mourning Dove was cooing. A chickadee was looking at the empty bird feeder and waiting for me to get that job done.
I filled the feeder and immediately the little guy flew for some seeds. I was standing less than six feet from the feeder and he was already at work on the seeds.
I stopped and listened. There was perfect silence… not a noise of any kind. Perfect peace with no one saying anything, no dogs barking and not even a breeze surrounded me. The stillness was amazing. It was something to savor.
What a perfect day has started.
The TV weatherman suggested that this afternoon we might get some thunder and lightening. Our Indoor – Outdoor weather station also suggested possible storms.
But for now perfect peace is our best gift of this day. And I will stop and savor it – now.
I walked the path beside our home. The Morning Glories are ablaze with their colour. In the perfect peace they shine with a glow and glory.
A few years ago I didn’t have time. Sunday was another day of work and getting ready for the action of the day – was all that I could think about. I was a busy minister that had prepared all week for the Sunday morning service. The day that I did most of my work to impress people with my wise words – or anger some with my words that they didn’t like was what it was about. Yikes!
I had that memory this morning early in the backyard – in the middle of the peace that surrounded me completely.
For 35 years I had not seen this peace. I have missed the Mourning Dove and her babies and fretted over what some would think about me on Sundays.
Today it is so different. It is so liberating to not “have to” perform any longer.
Oh I still do the ministerial thing from time to time. When I am called to support someone else in their fretting and fussing to make everything just right on Sunday morning, I do so with joy. But it is much easier now… much easier. I have found Peace.
It is rather comical really. I stood and preached about perfect peace… but was struggling inside because Sister So and So would be angry with what I said. Brother Ornery would hold back his support for the church financially when he didn’t like what I said.
And over the years there were lots of So and So-s and Orneries that adorned the seats of the church. Most are dead and buried now.
Maybe that is why I have peace.
God just grinned and so did I. Gotta run… the backyard is calling.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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