Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Earthquakes and Me

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

Earthquakes and Me

What a difference there is in this old world today from the time that I was born in 1944!

In 1944 no one in our family talked about Earthquakes much at all. At least that I can remember. It wasn’t that they didn’t care, they just didn’t know about what happening.

If you can imagine the contrast between now and then.

In January 15, 1944 – 90% of the buildings of San Juan, Argentina fell down. 10% of its population was killed. The article that I read in Wikipedia stated the following… “The earthquake occurred at 8:52 pm on 15 January 1944 and had its epicentre located 30 km north of the provincial capital, near La Laja in Albardón Department. Some 90% of the buildings in the city were destroyed and those left standing suffered such damage that in most cases they had to be demolished. It is considered that the reason for such widespread destruction was the low quality of construction, rather than just the power of the earthquake.

In 1944 many of San Juan's houses were made of adobe and the reconstruction programme prompted the creation of a building code that took into account contemporary knowledge of earthquakes and their effect on buildings. Stronger bricks were used, concrete single-story houses were erected and sidewalks and streets were made wider.” End quote.

Now it could be that the War that was on at the time took most people’s attention away from anything happening anywhere else than Europe and the Pacific Rim.

It is more likely that no one knew what was happening until long after it had happened. By then it is no longer News to be considered very much.

I stated there was a contrast. And I note how big that contrast is now.

I discovered an amazing Web Site that has me “all shaken up”. It is loaded with pertinent and powerful information that may also shake up your world as well.

The Wed Site starts with the Earthquakes that are happening at this very minute… or within the last day or so. It is not OLD News – it is News that is happening right now. It shows how much the earth is shaking at this very moment! In fact some that I just looked at happened within the last 15 minutes. WOW!

You need to go take a look at which is part of the

Fair warning though – if you register for the Global Incident Map or look at this too much you may never rest again. It tells you everything that is going down now… all the shake, rattle and roll of our old world. It tells you about the Police action everywhere – gangs, drugs and security risks. Looking that part over you may never got to the USA again!

But then just the incidents of earthquakes in Vancouver in the last 24 hours will make you question a trip there! Let alone anywhere in California!!! And in both areas there is a prediction that the “Big One” may come sooner than you think!

But in our area of Eastern Canada things were rattling and rolling as well. There were two earthquakes early yesterday morning in our area alone!!!

I have spent a bit of time last evening looking this over… and have come out wanting to tell my friends about it. Now you have been told! Wow – what an amazing thing to be able to see!

Now in 1944 when I was about to come the only earthquake in Ceylon Saskatchewan ever to take place… it happened on April 13th, 1944. A tiny little boy was born. His dad had held a flashlight for the birth of his first child… then hopped on a Bus for Regina to start a new job.

I can only imagine what my dad had happening inside of him during that trip to Regina that morning. It was six days before he could come and pick me up again…before he could get back to my mom and start arrangements for their move to Regina.

For the past 67 years most everything has been shaking in my world since that time. The Web Site discovery just confirmed the actual fact of it happening today.

Gotta run. Folks will be lined up at the mall today – ready to speak with one rocking and rolling grandpa! That would be me! At the Peterborough Square again today – 10 AM to 4 PM – lower level in front of Crop Circles where the Earthquake can be felt! Really!

~ Murray Lincoln ~ 


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