Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
Time for me
I think when I was working for a living I was too busy to see opportunity. There were always too many things that I had to do. It covered up all the fun things that I wanted to do.
Now, each Wednesday I sit at the display table that is set up for me in the Peterborough Square, downtown Peterborough. I work alongside of “Crop Circles” – a creative store in the Mall. At the table I have a display of some of the things that I do, wood carving, lace making, Pyrography and other arts and crafts.
My intention is to possibly help other folk that would like to start their journey into something creative. I will demonstrate or actually teach a class for whoever stops by the table.
In the course of the day more than 100 walk by and many will stop to look – or speak with me. Many are on their coffee breaks or lunch times from their place of work in or near the Mall. On top of that a good number of retirees will stop to talk as well.
After I engage them in a conversation, I ask if they do anything creative. The usual answer is, “No, I don’t have time for that kind of thing… I work.”
Others will say, “I haven’t got time, I am a grandparent that looks after my grandkids!”
Likely 5 out of 20 people have any time to do anything… and even less take the time to do something.
They often ask me where I get my time from to do what I do. My answer is, “I save some of my time for me.”
If I don’t save some for me, there is none left. There is always something that must be done or that someone wants me to do. I have a bad habit of not being able to say no… so I have to block time for what is important to me.
A time will come when my body will break down, the mind may start to fade or not remember, and the general old age will take parts of me away. For that reason I run with my time now, I love my time now and I keep my time now for me… at least a little of it.
In a seminar a few years back the Federal Government presented some stats that they had gleaned from records of their retirees. It was said that the average retiree from the Federal Government a few years back was living only 18 months past their final day at the Government position they had served in.
18 months is not long. The 30 years prior spent in the daily grind had sapped the life out of each person… and they had little to live for afterwards…except Doctor’s appointments and Blood Tests….
There is a great need for Pre-retirement Planning.
I need to live a little for me… not just for everyone else. I need to enjoy what I have gathered together as my stuff. I need my time… and I need to create – just a little.
If you are honest today, you need time for you as well. May I ask how much you save for yourself? I hope you can save a little for you to enjoy.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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