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Today’s Blog Post
MIDDLE AGE? Good Lord I am One
The dictionary describes the words/term “Middle Age as … quote…
“Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. Various attempts have been made to define this age, which is around the third quarter of the average life span of human beings.”
Yesterday I had posted about Text Messaging – and received a number of replies. Very funny replies in fact… from young people across the world. Some were replies from older people as well… some young than me… but older than the young people.
Some of the young people were our daughter’s ages.
But then I dug further into the term “Middle Age” and found that there are definite guidelines as to when a person enters and then exits this group.
Are you older friends of mine ready for this?
You go into this at 45 and exit when you are 65 according to the Oxford Dictionary!
I have two daughters that will enter this age group in the next few years. But my two son-in-laws will hit it in one year’s time. In 2012 – my son-in-laws will be middle aged. Holy Cow! Can you believe it? They used to be young – very young.
In 20 years they will be into Old Age! They will be senior citizens of all things. Imagine – children that are seniors in your family.
I had accepted that I was middle aged long ago. It is no big deal! After all my wife is middle aged too. And we have done quiet well through these years of middle ageism.
The Wikipedia states that… quote…
“Middle-aged adults often show visible signs of aging such as loss of skin elasticity and graying of the hair. Physical fitness usually wanes, with a 5–10 kg (10-20 lb) accumulation of body fat, reduction in aerobic performance and a decrease in maximal heart rate. Strength and flexibility also decrease throughout middle age. However, people age at different rates and there can be significant differences between individuals of the same age.” End quote.
Everyone of my friends are Fat (or overweight or complaining about it). They tell me that!
Most of my friends are graying and in some cases you can’t tell because they shave it all off to keep that youthful look.
Most of my friends sit down to put on their shoes and can’t bend over to tie them up… and when it becomes a huge problem.. they wear Velcro strapped shoes. And I know that “Crocks” were invented by an old guy or old girl that couldn’t do the lace up thing.
Wikipedia goes on to say… “Both male and female fertility declines with advancing age.”
So that is why there are so many of the erectile dysfunction ads on TV now!! Ah Ha! With a growing number of Middle Age people – specially men – the new “Viagra age” child has been born.
Now it is good to know all this… as a Dad and Father and Father-in-law. I can understand them all better now. They are not kids any more… they are approaching their middle age period of life.
And Holy Cow… another horrific thought has possessed me… obsessed me… and oppressed me. I am not Middle Aged anymore… Good Lord I am one of “THEM”! I am an Old Aged person. I have entered the last quarter of my life. I flipped out of childhood in a rush to be a young adult. I sped through the young adulthood not being able to do many things an adult could do. But Kerpow I hit the Middle Age time and swish I was Old!
Good Lord I am one!
I haven’t got much to look forward to now… there is no fifth quarter! And I seem to be rapidly using up the fourth quarter.
I am preparing to speak at a Camp for people my age. That happens this month… in a few weeks time.
It is so much easier to accept when you say… “a Camp for people my age”.
I am struggling to say I am speaking at a senior’s camp. Good Lord it is true. I am one of them… and in these days of preparation I am coming to the shocking realization that I arrived there two years ago… and didn’t know it!
But one great and wonderful realization is… all my friends are Older than me! Oh does that every feel good.
And the ones that are not… are acting like it. They go to bed early. They don’t like going out at night. And they have to book what we do together between their own doctor’s appointments and looking after their grandkids.
Hey wait a minute… that is what I am doing too…
Double sheesh!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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