Tuesday, May 17, 2011

USA and Canadian Circus Acts - Politicians

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Today’s Blog Post
USA and Canadian Circus Acts - Politicians
Like many I held my breath waiting for news from Mr. Trump. Would he try for the Top Position of the USA? Or Not?

It was finally announced yesterday. NO! The Whitehouse is too small for him and the job is not interesting enough. He has decided to not run for the leadership role that might have been his.

What a let down.

Imagine. The larger than life man, with gazillions of dollars, will not allow his presence to be felt in the Top Leadership Level of the USA!!

I think he is worried about folk that are ordinary looking him straight in the eye and telling him, “Donald, I like you and you are an amazing person, but Donald you are fired!” Oh would I love to say that to the Dude with the Comb Over.

I thought that if Donald had said ‘yes’ and had declared that we was ready to take on the top position, Jim Carrey should stand up and declare that he is ready for the Top Canadian Position as the Liberal Leader and then become our Prime Minister!

The image that you see below is one of the best to describe what a Good Liberal Next Leader should be. A listener would be great.
I think if these two people were to take the top two positions in the North American Political fields, voting would improve.

Now what do you think?

You really need to read the Globe and Mail link below… what a circus is going on in the USA right now. But then it is going on in Canada as well.

The great fun will come as the Liberals try to agree on who should lead their party now and then in the final days to come.

I love a good circus… don’t you?

It is just too funny.

~ Murray Lincoln ~



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