Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
Opening the WOW Factor in your Life
As I sat yesterday at my demonstration table in the Peterborough Square, I was simply drawing pictures. I had some of my Pyrography work(wood burning) on display and also some lace that I made.
I had my sketch book open and was drawing some new designs for the new series of cards that will be out soon. As I sat there deeply engrossed in my work I heard a small voice beside me. “Wow! Are you ever good! I wish I could draw like that!”
I looked up to see a young girl looking over my shoulder. She was about 9 years old. She stood beside her mom and older sister. They had stopped to look at what I was doing in the middle of the mall. Her dark eyes sparkled as she smiled at me and then looked at the drawings.
“How long have you been drawing?” she asked.
I grinned at her and told her that I started drawing when I was about 5 years old… at least that is when I remember some of my first drawings. I said, “I have been drawing for 62 years.”
She looked at me and her mouth dropped open a little… and said, “Oh WOW!...” That time is only 7 times older than she was.
For the next little bit we talked about what she and her sister loved to draw. It was really neat having them tell me their story and their love for drawing. It was great getting to know three new friends at my table on Wednesday. A Mom, and two daughters…
They were part of the total day’s package of engaging people while sitting at my table display. It was part of the ongoing miracle for me personally that started almost one year ago in June… when I came to this spot to demonstrate the Lace Making and Wood Carving. Now it has expanded to drawing and sketching… and cartooning and illustrating… and more.
But yesterday was a special treat for me too. Ted and Helen, the owners of the Crop Circles store that I work with, showed me the product of my designs and drawings. The drawings are now placed into greeting cards of all kinds.
The proto types are now done and the product will soon be out in public. It will go first to the Wholesalers of the world… and then to the public. Right now the drawings are in India being assembled into the Web Page that everyone will see.
Locally the customers are raving over what is now being seen. As they told me some of the stories… I was blown away by the reaction.
The nine year old young lady stood looking at the “colored in”/ “painted” drawings that were completed. Her eyes popped open even further.
The thrill of being involved in this pilot project and being one of the featured artists… is almost overwhelming. In one short year some amazing things have taken place…
After the nine year old girl and her sister left… a man dropped by to talk with me again. I have come to know him over this past few months. Each time he comes he raves over what he sees. Yesterday I found out more about what he is actually doing.
He is an author and a motivating speaker. He brought his personal assistant to meet me. He explained what I did and how important what I was doing at this table. He pressed me to be sure that I get into the schools to share my talents with kids – and make an impression on this next generation.
It seems that his book is going to be about people like me… the retirees... that have talent and abilities that need to be passed on to the next generation. As he spoke I realized that I was one of his subjects and illustrations in his book. WOW!
His personal assistant was making more notes as we talked.
What an odd feeling at that moment. It was as if there was another door opening up for me.
I had the distinct feeling that I was about to step through a new doorway and a new place in my life that I have never been before. I am not sure where it will lead… but I am on my way to an adventure that is so amazing… Double WOW!
This adventure just keeps getting better and better!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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