Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
The other day I felt the desperate desire to Text Message some one. I have been getting better at it and I really wanted to send some one a Text Message.
During the day I had been Texting some business contacts as we find it much better than calling and leaving endless messages on the phone for each other. In one situation we had both returned each others calls three times – calling each other back over and over again… but neither one was in the office. Texting on the other hand had immediately delivered the message and the answer that was needed was there – pronto!
But in my immediate need to Text some of my friends… had to be dropped. My friends are so darn old that they never have taken that step to Text any one. They just don’t know how.
Worse yet… if we tried to Text each other we wouldn’t get the message content most of the time. The cryptic messages are just too much for old minds to sort out. They are all from the “funny license plate” era. Just too darn old to learn something new things.
The second major problem is that they do carry cell phones… each one owns a phone. But their idea is to turn it on when they go out – but never give the number to anyone. It is to be used only in an emergency.
If there was an emergency no one could call them because no one has their number. That is pretty safe I guess.
But if they were in an emergency… say the car was in an accident… the car had rolled over… the car had been hit on the side – or front – or back – the contents of her purse is so bad that they couldn’t find the cell phone with their two broken arms and dislocated shoulder.
Their cell phones are useless… for old people that is.
Well another old person just included me in a posting of suggested Text Messaging for middle age people. Here it is….
ATD - at the doctor.
BFF - best friend fell.
BTW - bring the wheelchair.
BYOT - bring your own teeth.
FWIW - forgot where I was.
GGPBL - gotta go, pacemaker battery low.
GHA - got heartburn again.
IMHAO - is my hearing aid on?
LMDO - laughing my dentures out.
OMMR - on my massage recliner.
ROFLACGU - rolling on floor laughing and can't get up.
TTYL - talk to you louder!
Now if you would like to Text Message me you need to call me. I don’t give the number to just anyone you know. Some “perv” might see it in this posting and call me no reason at all.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sorting the through the Thoughts of Majorca
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Sorting the through the Thoughts of Majorca
Yesterday when I shared the idea of the World Population Clock and the possibility of the 7 Billion population record I also pointed to the number that once lived.
Looking at the 103 Billion that once lived is staggering for my mind. Thinking of something so big is impossible for my mind to comprehend. I am sure that others feel the same.
As I watched the on clock ticking by the deaths it was not real… until you think of the actual number rolling by is one person… and one family with the loss of that loved one. There is one very deep week of mourning, a month of grief that begins and continues for a lifetime – for many.
It was this past week I read of 13 people that were part of the 103 Billion people once alive on our earth. Mention was made in the newspaper on May 22, 2011. And after reading it I have not been able to stop thinking of these folk. How could it possibly happen?
I had the same feeling when reading some of the history of the church in early days of my study. When I came across the periods of time when Religious persecution was at its best – or worst – and the church conducted its purge by conducting the Inquisition. We entitled it the Spanish Inquisition specifically.
I read the account of the Jews that lived in Majorca (or Mallorca for proper pronunciation). In May 1691 13 Jews were burned alive in the Gomila Plaza of Majorca.
These poor people had done one terrible thing. They had secretly practiced their faith as Jews during this horrific time of the Catholic Church. Very vile men struggling to get noticed in the church had committed nightmarish crimes against humanity in the name of God. They burned God’s people alive and watched with glee.
As I read the account and the fact that Jews that may have been in the community and survived that fateful day in May 1691, had then lived in constant fear and oppression.
Children in school yards sang a chant naming the names of families that had people burned in that Plaza. Imagine a skipping rhyme that named the victims and you have the idea the way that it took place.
I had read the article about this atrocity in the Toronto Star and the New York Times. The one on the Internet that I found is from the Blog by Lubin – Link below.
Of the 103 Billion there were many Millions upon Millions killed by religious idiots.
Being a Minister doesn’t help at times. I claimed to be a spiritual person. I say I am a person that walks with God and has a relationship with Him. However after all that Religious People have done in God’s name… it has left this position that I serve in under great suspect. People doubt religious persons. They have a great sense of avoidance for anyone claiming to be Christian. In 2011 that is more true today than ever.
Christians have done some pretty awful things in the name of their God. So have some Islamic folk.
I really wonder how many of the 103 Million suffered in that way from “Spiritual” People.
I have been doing some heavy reading lately as I am preparing to share as a Christian Leader in June. What I have read has made this even more real… and heavier to digest.
It would be so much easier to stand and tell a few good stories and even some jokes to the audience that I am preparing for – rather than telling the truth of what I know. But I am guessing in advance that I will not be able to make light of what I know… I may just have to tell the truth… which could be shocking.
Yesterday I sat in church and watched Christian people worship their God. Then I sat in a restaurant and watched the Christian People pour through the door to get food… laughing and joking… carrying on.
I sat quietly and thought of my 13 years in Peterborough. I thought of the kind of Christianity that I have witnessed here… I thought long and hard of what the community around me has witnessed also. I had some deep thoughts throughout the day… and night.
Conclusion to the thinking… oh boy… have I got a task to do. I need to be honest without turning anyone off…careful to the point of someone missing the point entirely… and then direct enough that they will perhaps change their thinking… and then kind enough that they will accept what is said.
Yikes. Can that actually be done in 2011?
But today I remember 13 people and their families in Majorca in May of 1691. And I am saddened by what I now know. God help us all.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Sorting the through the Thoughts of Majorca
Yesterday when I shared the idea of the World Population Clock and the possibility of the 7 Billion population record I also pointed to the number that once lived.
Looking at the 103 Billion that once lived is staggering for my mind. Thinking of something so big is impossible for my mind to comprehend. I am sure that others feel the same.
As I watched the on clock ticking by the deaths it was not real… until you think of the actual number rolling by is one person… and one family with the loss of that loved one. There is one very deep week of mourning, a month of grief that begins and continues for a lifetime – for many.
It was this past week I read of 13 people that were part of the 103 Billion people once alive on our earth. Mention was made in the newspaper on May 22, 2011. And after reading it I have not been able to stop thinking of these folk. How could it possibly happen?
I had the same feeling when reading some of the history of the church in early days of my study. When I came across the periods of time when Religious persecution was at its best – or worst – and the church conducted its purge by conducting the Inquisition. We entitled it the Spanish Inquisition specifically.
I read the account of the Jews that lived in Majorca (or Mallorca for proper pronunciation). In May 1691 13 Jews were burned alive in the Gomila Plaza of Majorca.
These poor people had done one terrible thing. They had secretly practiced their faith as Jews during this horrific time of the Catholic Church. Very vile men struggling to get noticed in the church had committed nightmarish crimes against humanity in the name of God. They burned God’s people alive and watched with glee.
As I read the account and the fact that Jews that may have been in the community and survived that fateful day in May 1691, had then lived in constant fear and oppression.
Children in school yards sang a chant naming the names of families that had people burned in that Plaza. Imagine a skipping rhyme that named the victims and you have the idea the way that it took place.
I had read the article about this atrocity in the Toronto Star and the New York Times. The one on the Internet that I found is from the Blog by Lubin – Link below.
Of the 103 Billion there were many Millions upon Millions killed by religious idiots.
Being a Minister doesn’t help at times. I claimed to be a spiritual person. I say I am a person that walks with God and has a relationship with Him. However after all that Religious People have done in God’s name… it has left this position that I serve in under great suspect. People doubt religious persons. They have a great sense of avoidance for anyone claiming to be Christian. In 2011 that is more true today than ever.
Christians have done some pretty awful things in the name of their God. So have some Islamic folk.
I really wonder how many of the 103 Million suffered in that way from “Spiritual” People.
I have been doing some heavy reading lately as I am preparing to share as a Christian Leader in June. What I have read has made this even more real… and heavier to digest.
It would be so much easier to stand and tell a few good stories and even some jokes to the audience that I am preparing for – rather than telling the truth of what I know. But I am guessing in advance that I will not be able to make light of what I know… I may just have to tell the truth… which could be shocking.
Yesterday I sat in church and watched Christian people worship their God. Then I sat in a restaurant and watched the Christian People pour through the door to get food… laughing and joking… carrying on.
I sat quietly and thought of my 13 years in Peterborough. I thought of the kind of Christianity that I have witnessed here… I thought long and hard of what the community around me has witnessed also. I had some deep thoughts throughout the day… and night.
Conclusion to the thinking… oh boy… have I got a task to do. I need to be honest without turning anyone off…careful to the point of someone missing the point entirely… and then direct enough that they will perhaps change their thinking… and then kind enough that they will accept what is said.
Yikes. Can that actually be done in 2011?
But today I remember 13 people and their families in Majorca in May of 1691. And I am saddened by what I now know. God help us all.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Reason that I am the way that I am
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
The Reason that I am the way that I am
My friend Terry sent this valuable information to me. I knew that you just might need it. So here it is. Give Terry all the credit for this inspiration. Thanks Terry!
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
So God agreed......
On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."
The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"
And God agreed......
On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."
The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"
And God agreed again......
On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God. "You asked for it."
So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family.. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service. If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
The Reason that I am the way that I am
My friend Terry sent this valuable information to me. I knew that you just might need it. So here it is. Give Terry all the credit for this inspiration. Thanks Terry!
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
So God agreed......
On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."
The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"
And God agreed......
On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."
The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"
And God agreed again......
On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God. "You asked for it."
So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family.. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service. If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Friday, May 27, 2011
Entertaining the Old Memories
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Entertaining the Old Memories
Have you every heard…?
“Down in the valley where the green grass grows
There sat my grandmother sweet as a rose
She sang, she sang, she sang so sweet
Along came my grandfather and kissed her on the cheek
How many kisses did she get that week
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” and so on
Come on admit it... you may even have tried it. I did… a long time ago… a long, long time ago.
Or there is the one that states the following…
“Miss Susie had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Ding Ding. Miss Susie went to heaven the steamboat went to, hello operator please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I'll kick you from , behind the refrigarator there laid a piece of glass. Miss Susie sat upon it and broke her little, ask me no more questions, tell me no more lies. The boys are in the bathroom zipping up the flies are in the meadow the bees are in the park. Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the DARK DARK Dark Dark Dark.”
Now in order to remember it you must have a skipping rope in your hand and another person on the other end of the rope… while you both turn it. Then one of your friends is in the middle jumping the rope… with a dozen others waiting their turn.
Or how about…
Miss Lucy had a baby, she named him Tiny Tim.
She put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, and ate the bar of soap.
He tried to eat the bathtub,
but it wouldn't go down his throat.
Miss Lucy called the doctor, Miss Lucy called the nurse,
Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse.
"Mumps." Said the doctor. "Measles." Said the nurse.
"Hiccups." said the lady with the alligator purse.
"prescription." Said the doctor. "Bed rest." Said the nurse.
"I'm leaving." Said the lady with the alligator purse.
Memories that come from the past are the best. The kind that stir something old in me and bring back the stuff from the past.
I have been doing a lot of this as I prepare for a Camp that I am speaking at this summer. In fact the very idea of going back to the old places that I once frequented is amazing. The thoughts are all there from so long ago.
As I have been entertaining the thoughts and old memories – the dreams each night have been a little over the top. I am sure that the two areas are linked in some way.
Oh Boy.
A tisket a tasket… put it in my basket…
O boy oh boy oh boy!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Entertaining the Old Memories
Have you every heard…?
“Down in the valley where the green grass grows
There sat my grandmother sweet as a rose
She sang, she sang, she sang so sweet
Along came my grandfather and kissed her on the cheek
How many kisses did she get that week
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” and so on
Come on admit it... you may even have tried it. I did… a long time ago… a long, long time ago.
Or there is the one that states the following…
“Miss Susie had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. Ding Ding. Miss Susie went to heaven the steamboat went to, hello operator please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I'll kick you from , behind the refrigarator there laid a piece of glass. Miss Susie sat upon it and broke her little, ask me no more questions, tell me no more lies. The boys are in the bathroom zipping up the flies are in the meadow the bees are in the park. Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the DARK DARK Dark Dark Dark.”
Now in order to remember it you must have a skipping rope in your hand and another person on the other end of the rope… while you both turn it. Then one of your friends is in the middle jumping the rope… with a dozen others waiting their turn.
Or how about…
Miss Lucy had a baby, she named him Tiny Tim.
She put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, and ate the bar of soap.
He tried to eat the bathtub,
but it wouldn't go down his throat.
Miss Lucy called the doctor, Miss Lucy called the nurse,
Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse.
"Mumps." Said the doctor. "Measles." Said the nurse.
"Hiccups." said the lady with the alligator purse.
"prescription." Said the doctor. "Bed rest." Said the nurse.
"I'm leaving." Said the lady with the alligator purse.
Memories that come from the past are the best. The kind that stir something old in me and bring back the stuff from the past.
I have been doing a lot of this as I prepare for a Camp that I am speaking at this summer. In fact the very idea of going back to the old places that I once frequented is amazing. The thoughts are all there from so long ago.
As I have been entertaining the thoughts and old memories – the dreams each night have been a little over the top. I am sure that the two areas are linked in some way.
Oh Boy.
A tisket a tasket… put it in my basket…
O boy oh boy oh boy!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Opening the WOW Factor in your Life
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Opening the WOW Factor in your Life
As I sat yesterday at my demonstration table in the Peterborough Square, I was simply drawing pictures. I had some of my Pyrography work(wood burning) on display and also some lace that I made.
I had my sketch book open and was drawing some new designs for the new series of cards that will be out soon. As I sat there deeply engrossed in my work I heard a small voice beside me. “Wow! Are you ever good! I wish I could draw like that!”
I looked up to see a young girl looking over my shoulder. She was about 9 years old. She stood beside her mom and older sister. They had stopped to look at what I was doing in the middle of the mall. Her dark eyes sparkled as she smiled at me and then looked at the drawings.
“How long have you been drawing?” she asked.
I grinned at her and told her that I started drawing when I was about 5 years old… at least that is when I remember some of my first drawings. I said, “I have been drawing for 62 years.”
She looked at me and her mouth dropped open a little… and said, “Oh WOW!...” That time is only 7 times older than she was.
For the next little bit we talked about what she and her sister loved to draw. It was really neat having them tell me their story and their love for drawing. It was great getting to know three new friends at my table on Wednesday. A Mom, and two daughters…
They were part of the total day’s package of engaging people while sitting at my table display. It was part of the ongoing miracle for me personally that started almost one year ago in June… when I came to this spot to demonstrate the Lace Making and Wood Carving. Now it has expanded to drawing and sketching… and cartooning and illustrating… and more.
But yesterday was a special treat for me too. Ted and Helen, the owners of the Crop Circles store that I work with, showed me the product of my designs and drawings. The drawings are now placed into greeting cards of all kinds.
The proto types are now done and the product will soon be out in public. It will go first to the Wholesalers of the world… and then to the public. Right now the drawings are in India being assembled into the Web Page that everyone will see.
Locally the customers are raving over what is now being seen. As they told me some of the stories… I was blown away by the reaction.
The nine year old young lady stood looking at the “colored in”/ “painted” drawings that were completed. Her eyes popped open even further.
The thrill of being involved in this pilot project and being one of the featured artists… is almost overwhelming. In one short year some amazing things have taken place…
After the nine year old girl and her sister left… a man dropped by to talk with me again. I have come to know him over this past few months. Each time he comes he raves over what he sees. Yesterday I found out more about what he is actually doing.
He is an author and a motivating speaker. He brought his personal assistant to meet me. He explained what I did and how important what I was doing at this table. He pressed me to be sure that I get into the schools to share my talents with kids – and make an impression on this next generation.
It seems that his book is going to be about people like me… the retirees... that have talent and abilities that need to be passed on to the next generation. As he spoke I realized that I was one of his subjects and illustrations in his book. WOW!
His personal assistant was making more notes as we talked.
What an odd feeling at that moment. It was as if there was another door opening up for me.
I had the distinct feeling that I was about to step through a new doorway and a new place in my life that I have never been before. I am not sure where it will lead… but I am on my way to an adventure that is so amazing… Double WOW!
This adventure just keeps getting better and better!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
Opening the WOW Factor in your Life
As I sat yesterday at my demonstration table in the Peterborough Square, I was simply drawing pictures. I had some of my Pyrography work(wood burning) on display and also some lace that I made.
I had my sketch book open and was drawing some new designs for the new series of cards that will be out soon. As I sat there deeply engrossed in my work I heard a small voice beside me. “Wow! Are you ever good! I wish I could draw like that!”
I looked up to see a young girl looking over my shoulder. She was about 9 years old. She stood beside her mom and older sister. They had stopped to look at what I was doing in the middle of the mall. Her dark eyes sparkled as she smiled at me and then looked at the drawings.
“How long have you been drawing?” she asked.
I grinned at her and told her that I started drawing when I was about 5 years old… at least that is when I remember some of my first drawings. I said, “I have been drawing for 62 years.”
She looked at me and her mouth dropped open a little… and said, “Oh WOW!...” That time is only 7 times older than she was.
For the next little bit we talked about what she and her sister loved to draw. It was really neat having them tell me their story and their love for drawing. It was great getting to know three new friends at my table on Wednesday. A Mom, and two daughters…
They were part of the total day’s package of engaging people while sitting at my table display. It was part of the ongoing miracle for me personally that started almost one year ago in June… when I came to this spot to demonstrate the Lace Making and Wood Carving. Now it has expanded to drawing and sketching… and cartooning and illustrating… and more.
But yesterday was a special treat for me too. Ted and Helen, the owners of the Crop Circles store that I work with, showed me the product of my designs and drawings. The drawings are now placed into greeting cards of all kinds.
The proto types are now done and the product will soon be out in public. It will go first to the Wholesalers of the world… and then to the public. Right now the drawings are in India being assembled into the Web Page that everyone will see.
Locally the customers are raving over what is now being seen. As they told me some of the stories… I was blown away by the reaction.
The nine year old young lady stood looking at the “colored in”/ “painted” drawings that were completed. Her eyes popped open even further.
The thrill of being involved in this pilot project and being one of the featured artists… is almost overwhelming. In one short year some amazing things have taken place…
After the nine year old girl and her sister left… a man dropped by to talk with me again. I have come to know him over this past few months. Each time he comes he raves over what he sees. Yesterday I found out more about what he is actually doing.
He is an author and a motivating speaker. He brought his personal assistant to meet me. He explained what I did and how important what I was doing at this table. He pressed me to be sure that I get into the schools to share my talents with kids – and make an impression on this next generation.
It seems that his book is going to be about people like me… the retirees... that have talent and abilities that need to be passed on to the next generation. As he spoke I realized that I was one of his subjects and illustrations in his book. WOW!
His personal assistant was making more notes as we talked.
What an odd feeling at that moment. It was as if there was another door opening up for me.
I had the distinct feeling that I was about to step through a new doorway and a new place in my life that I have never been before. I am not sure where it will lead… but I am on my way to an adventure that is so amazing… Double WOW!
This adventure just keeps getting better and better!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Backyard Reverie for the Spirit, Soul and Body
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Backyard Reverie for the Spirit, Soul and Body
Last Monday, the holiday, I stretched out on our reclining lawn chair on the back deck. I drifted off for a while to another world.
It was some point in my almost asleep stage that the first shrill cry of a black bird came to my ears. There he was back again at the bird feeder. His distinct red and yellow strip on his wings told me he had been here before… and every time he comes he announces loudly his pleasure with the seeds that are there.
But he wasn’t the only one. Many of his feathered friends showed up, again and again.
What a delight to just sit quietly and watch.
Between the busy, soft morning doves and the brilliant cardinal the feeder provided an amazing reverie. Their job was to fill up and my job was to watch. And watch I did.
I had my camera nearby and snapped a few photos. I realize now that I need to adjust the settings to get a clearer shot.
The hour of sitting was the best I have had for weeks. The time spent just taking in the sites of my own backyard was the best yet.
In the days prior to Monday we had traveled about 1600 kms seeing things with my Uncle and Aunt. The things we saw were just great. The colour was super. The things we took in were so different. It had been a good trip.
But here in the backyard we have one of the best displays of God’s splendor. It has been here all along. All through my travels to other spots and the unique tourist places these beautiful birds have been doing their thing in our yard.
Even the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa have a hard time coming up to the beauty of a cardinal staring you down. The sites of busy Niagara Falls can’t cut it beside a gentle dove looking at you cautiously. In fact there are few places that are as quiet and peaceful as our backyard.
My spirit needs quiet. My soul needs my birds. My body needs the reclining lawn chair.
There is nothing like being refreshed by the provision that God gives us.
I will let the rest of these photos tell the story. I have to run out and pour some more seeds for my little friends. I just hear the loud call of the black bird again. Gotta run… my friends are calling.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Backyard Reverie for the Spirit, Soul and Body
Last Monday, the holiday, I stretched out on our reclining lawn chair on the back deck. I drifted off for a while to another world.
It was some point in my almost asleep stage that the first shrill cry of a black bird came to my ears. There he was back again at the bird feeder. His distinct red and yellow strip on his wings told me he had been here before… and every time he comes he announces loudly his pleasure with the seeds that are there.
But he wasn’t the only one. Many of his feathered friends showed up, again and again.
What a delight to just sit quietly and watch.
Between the busy, soft morning doves and the brilliant cardinal the feeder provided an amazing reverie. Their job was to fill up and my job was to watch. And watch I did.
I had my camera nearby and snapped a few photos. I realize now that I need to adjust the settings to get a clearer shot.
The hour of sitting was the best I have had for weeks. The time spent just taking in the sites of my own backyard was the best yet.
In the days prior to Monday we had traveled about 1600 kms seeing things with my Uncle and Aunt. The things we saw were just great. The colour was super. The things we took in were so different. It had been a good trip.
But here in the backyard we have one of the best displays of God’s splendor. It has been here all along. All through my travels to other spots and the unique tourist places these beautiful birds have been doing their thing in our yard.
Even the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa have a hard time coming up to the beauty of a cardinal staring you down. The sites of busy Niagara Falls can’t cut it beside a gentle dove looking at you cautiously. In fact there are few places that are as quiet and peaceful as our backyard.
My spirit needs quiet. My soul needs my birds. My body needs the reclining lawn chair.
There is nothing like being refreshed by the provision that God gives us.
I will let the rest of these photos tell the story. I have to run out and pour some more seeds for my little friends. I just hear the loud call of the black bird again. Gotta run… my friends are calling.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Monday, May 23, 2011
Capturing the Moment – NOW!
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Capturing the Moment – NOW!
I so enjoyed the church service yesterday. I am a Pastor and I am on holidays with my Uncle who is also a Pastor.
Yesterday we headed off to the People’s Church in Toronto. What an adventure!
We arrived early enough that we found front row seats right by one of the main aisles. We were also early enough to see the TV cameras being set up, the full orchestra tuning up and ready to go and then to watch the Multinational Choir come in. WOW - is a good word to explain the feeling that I had sitting there.
It was then that Rev. Charles Price came out to sit right across the aisle from us. My Uncle Ben was just across the aisle from him. Both he and I respect this great preacher and communicator deeply. My Uncle often catches the People’s Church Program in Sunday AM back in Saskatoon after they attend the first of three services in their home church.
After an excellent music program and the choir singing and the congregational songs… Charles Price went to the pulpit.
For 55 minutes he presented an excellent sermon… that kept me ready for more. I could listen to this guy each week… no problem! That is how the two thousand or so people that attended the two services yesterday also feel. I am sure.
At the end of the service there was no closing hymn… no chorus… no altar call. The pastor closed in prayer and then came done to the front where we were.
Without any hesitation I popped over to Charles and introduced myself. I then asked if he would mind having his photo take with my Uncle from Saskatoon. With a big grin on his face and he was happy to have me do that.
My Uncle wasn’t quite expecting his crazy nephew to ask that question… but I did.
For me it was a once in a life time opportunity. I will likely never be back in that church again with my Uncle. I may not get back there again myself for a long time.(However I might go to just hear the music and choir!)
Capturing the moment is what it is all about.
Later we did Burlington, Hamilton, St. Catherines, Thorold, and the Welland Canal… arriving just as the huge boat was about to go into the very tight little Lock… and WOW!
Following that we waded through buckets of people to get a view of Niagara Falls… then the Floral Clock… then Niagara on the Lake… then home by 12:37 AM. We had left at 8:00 AM.
Three people in our vehicle are not spring chickens… I am 67, my uncle is 79, and my mom is 90 years old.
You would think we are teenagers at times.
I will say it again. We captured many moments and the images that I have locked in my mind now – will stay for ever.
I want to thank Charles Price for being gracious. And I want to thank my Uncle Ben and Aunt Joyce for their part in all of this. If they hadn’t of come our way… we would never have traveled about the 1600 kms that we have so far.
And then I thank my mom for being a trooper. Not many other 90 year olds have done the kind of things that she did this past week.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Capturing the Moment – NOW!
I so enjoyed the church service yesterday. I am a Pastor and I am on holidays with my Uncle who is also a Pastor.
Yesterday we headed off to the People’s Church in Toronto. What an adventure!
We arrived early enough that we found front row seats right by one of the main aisles. We were also early enough to see the TV cameras being set up, the full orchestra tuning up and ready to go and then to watch the Multinational Choir come in. WOW - is a good word to explain the feeling that I had sitting there.
It was then that Rev. Charles Price came out to sit right across the aisle from us. My Uncle Ben was just across the aisle from him. Both he and I respect this great preacher and communicator deeply. My Uncle often catches the People’s Church Program in Sunday AM back in Saskatoon after they attend the first of three services in their home church.
After an excellent music program and the choir singing and the congregational songs… Charles Price went to the pulpit.
For 55 minutes he presented an excellent sermon… that kept me ready for more. I could listen to this guy each week… no problem! That is how the two thousand or so people that attended the two services yesterday also feel. I am sure.
At the end of the service there was no closing hymn… no chorus… no altar call. The pastor closed in prayer and then came done to the front where we were.
Without any hesitation I popped over to Charles and introduced myself. I then asked if he would mind having his photo take with my Uncle from Saskatoon. With a big grin on his face and he was happy to have me do that.
Ben and Joyce Kirkpatrick with Rev. Charles Price
My Uncle wasn’t quite expecting his crazy nephew to ask that question… but I did.
For me it was a once in a life time opportunity. I will likely never be back in that church again with my Uncle. I may not get back there again myself for a long time.(However I might go to just hear the music and choir!)
Capturing the moment is what it is all about.
Later we did Burlington, Hamilton, St. Catherines, Thorold, and the Welland Canal… arriving just as the huge boat was about to go into the very tight little Lock… and WOW!
Following that we waded through buckets of people to get a view of Niagara Falls… then the Floral Clock… then Niagara on the Lake… then home by 12:37 AM. We had left at 8:00 AM.
Three people in our vehicle are not spring chickens… I am 67, my uncle is 79, and my mom is 90 years old.
You would think we are teenagers at times.
I will say it again. We captured many moments and the images that I have locked in my mind now – will stay for ever.
I want to thank Charles Price for being gracious. And I want to thank my Uncle Ben and Aunt Joyce for their part in all of this. If they hadn’t of come our way… we would never have traveled about the 1600 kms that we have so far.
And then I thank my mom for being a trooper. Not many other 90 year olds have done the kind of things that she did this past week.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Rev. Charles Price preaching
Welland Canal with the "Spruceglenn" coming in
Ben and Marion Nellie with Michelle
(Brother and Sister with their friend)
(Brother and Sister with their friend)
Ben and Joyce Kirkpatrick - Niagara Falls
- beginning their 50th Anniversary Year
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The END of the World and My Life
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
The END of the World and My Life
So if you are reading this – you are still here. And if you are reading this after October 21, 2011 – you are still here as well.
May 21 and October 21 are the two days that Harold Camping told us would be the start of the End. And people bought into what he said. In fact they bought lots of stuff and paid out money – real money – the kind that we have to buy groceries with.
Most every one has cast dear Harold as a nut bar… a crazy that puts any one else that believes deeply in Spiritual Things in harms way to a scoffing public.
For years we, as Christians, were looked down and our message was mainly preached inside of churches where believers like us congregated. Now Harold has gone a messed that all up by telling the public that the End was near… in fact that the End started yesterday and that everything that was about to start happening is part of the END.
I want to laugh and I want to cry – all because of Harold... dear old Harold… YIKES – what do I do?
Harold is correct in one sense… everything after this minute is the END. The END is now closer to you than it was before you opened this page. In fact the 300 or so heart beats you have wasted here reading… are all gone… you are now 300 heart beats closer to your END! Make that another 372… and counting.
The problem with Harold is that he makes the truth look strange and weird… and whacko… and nothing any person in their right mind will believe – ever!
I still believe that Jesus will come back – some day. I still believe in the Rapture. Sorry – that is the whacky part in me to hold to the truths that I was taught. I do not believe in beating you over the head with my understanding. If you want to know more why I believe what I do – contact me directly. I will not pull a Harold Camping on you. I care for you too much.
Today is my 1000 post on this particular Blog. I had posted 625 times on the first Blog before that. That makes 1625 times that I have written words for my Grandkids to read. I know that about 100,000 people have read my words to date. Knowing that is kind of cool. But knowing that some day my kids will know me better by what I write… and what has come from my life – is really important to me.
Will they find me credible? Will they find me to be someone that they can look up to? Or maybe even want to be like me…?
I do not want to be like Harold Camping.
I have to run this morning. I have some quality living to do before my END.
I hope you have a better day today than you did yesterday. I trust that God will be some part of your life today. And please let Harold be Harold. God will take care of him... he has much to answer for in days to come.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
The END of the World and My Life
So if you are reading this – you are still here. And if you are reading this after October 21, 2011 – you are still here as well.
May 21 and October 21 are the two days that Harold Camping told us would be the start of the End. And people bought into what he said. In fact they bought lots of stuff and paid out money – real money – the kind that we have to buy groceries with.
Most every one has cast dear Harold as a nut bar… a crazy that puts any one else that believes deeply in Spiritual Things in harms way to a scoffing public.
For years we, as Christians, were looked down and our message was mainly preached inside of churches where believers like us congregated. Now Harold has gone a messed that all up by telling the public that the End was near… in fact that the End started yesterday and that everything that was about to start happening is part of the END.
I want to laugh and I want to cry – all because of Harold... dear old Harold… YIKES – what do I do?
Harold is correct in one sense… everything after this minute is the END. The END is now closer to you than it was before you opened this page. In fact the 300 or so heart beats you have wasted here reading… are all gone… you are now 300 heart beats closer to your END! Make that another 372… and counting.
The problem with Harold is that he makes the truth look strange and weird… and whacko… and nothing any person in their right mind will believe – ever!
I still believe that Jesus will come back – some day. I still believe in the Rapture. Sorry – that is the whacky part in me to hold to the truths that I was taught. I do not believe in beating you over the head with my understanding. If you want to know more why I believe what I do – contact me directly. I will not pull a Harold Camping on you. I care for you too much.
Today is my 1000 post on this particular Blog. I had posted 625 times on the first Blog before that. That makes 1625 times that I have written words for my Grandkids to read. I know that about 100,000 people have read my words to date. Knowing that is kind of cool. But knowing that some day my kids will know me better by what I write… and what has come from my life – is really important to me.
Will they find me credible? Will they find me to be someone that they can look up to? Or maybe even want to be like me…?
I do not want to be like Harold Camping.
I have to run this morning. I have some quality living to do before my END.
I hope you have a better day today than you did yesterday. I trust that God will be some part of your life today. And please let Harold be Harold. God will take care of him... he has much to answer for in days to come.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Carrom - Flash backs to the Farm at Truax
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Carrom - Flash backs to the Farm at Truax
Last evening we sat around the dinning room table playing games. My Uncle Ben and my Aunt Joyce, along with my Mom, played crokinole first and then carrom.
Whoa – what a flash back!
Many, many years ago I learned to play crokinole with my Grandpa Kirkpatrick. He was amazing to say the least. Could he ever shoot!
He also taught us how to play carrom.
Now Grandpa Kirkpatrick had moved from Iowa with his family to southern Saskatchewan to farm in about 1905. I always knew that everything we did on the farm was pretty much like they did it in Iowa. Although I had never been to Iowa at that stage in my early life… it was that our family had solid American Roots which we had a pride in.
None of my friends at school had that kind of “special” heritage. Their families came from the Ukraine and Poland and maybe Germany… but not the USA! And everybody knew the USA was the best… after all they had defeated the Germans and the Japanese by that stage of my life and to be a G.I. was the best. And you always made the girls and the little brothers be the “Japs” or the “Krauts”… and we Americans would defeat the enemy.
So having a Grandpa that was American was only too cool. And having that Grandpa teach you games that he knew from back home in Iowa was amazing. None of the other kids had that kind of experience. Most of their Grandparents couldn’t speak English and possibly were still in the countries the kids had come from.
So in my mind Crokinole and Carrom were American games.
I would be about 10 years old when the game was played around that table.
My Uncle Ben would have been about 22 (he is 12 years older than me). And he was good at both games… but not quite as good as Grandpa Kirk… not quite.
Last night the old feeling of “family” was there again… just like being down on the farm so many years ago.
My Aunt Joyce and I beat Uncle Ben and his eldest sister(my mom)… and it felt so good! The feeling of family was the good part… beating them was okay… but family feeling was everything.
Ben and I talked about the old way that Grandpa played the game of Carrom… it was different that what I was showing him how to play. Grandpa Kirk had made our Crokinole and Carrom Boards… and provided the wooden rings for the game.
I had made my Carrom Game when I lived in Sacrborough. I had played with my Sri Lankan and my Indian friends. They had taught me that the game was one of their National Games… and everybody back home had played this.
There was a conflict in my mind that I couldn’t tell my Indian and Sri Lankan friends about. Carrom was not their game… it was our Game and it was from America. My Grandpa Kirk had never been to Sri Lanka or India… he was AMERICAN – and Americans played Carrom their way!
I couldn’t find any rings to shoot like my Grandpa had given us… and the Indian Shop Keeper in Little India looked at me as if I was nuts when I asked for rings to shoot in carrom. “You don’t use Rings in carrom, you use “carrommen” which are kind of like checkers for you Westerners… you don’t use Rings!” He looked at me like I was nuts. But I bought the box of Carrommen and went home to have my Indian and Sri Lankan friends teach me the “right way”.
Last night Ben reminded me that Grandpa Kirk’s players were Rings. And he also thought that it was American.
This morning early with the nagging thoughts and distant memories of the farm still there… I looked up on the Internet the whole story… WOW!
Carrom is from Southeast Asia. It is their game. And they do have a few different ways to play it. But they do not use Rings. But there in the last few paragraphs of the article was the reason my Grandpa Kirk knew the game.
Here it is… quoting from the Wikipedia article…
“American Carrom
American carrom is a variant on carrom derived in America by missionaries to the East, around 1890. Believing that the game required restructuring for Western tastes, a Sunday school teacher named Henry Haskell altered the game. Much of the game is the same, but the striker's weight is reduced and the carrom men are smaller. Generally, instead of disks of solid wood, ivory, or acrylic, carrom men (including the striker) are rings, originally of wood but today commercially made of light plastic. In addition, as an alternative to using the fingers to flick the striker, some of the American carrom boards uses miniature cue sticks. American carrom boards also have pockets built into the corners, rather than circular holes in the board, to make pocketing easier. While traditionally made boards vary widely, current commercially produced American carrom boards are 28 inches (710 mm) square, are printed with checkerboard and backgammon patterns, among others, and are sold with checkers, chess pieces, skittles, etc., to allow other games to be played on the same board. Often, these boards are also built to play crokinole.”
End quote.
On my 999th post of this Blog… I have had another one of my family mysteries solved. Wow!
America did play Carrom… but they had stolen it from India and Sri Lanka and Burma and Thailand and China… and it was a Missionary that had done that deed. All I know is that Grandpa Kirk was amazing.
My Uncle Ben last night told us that Grandpa Kirk would ask you to “break” the mass of Rings apart. If you didn’t get one into a hole you then gave him his turn. Grandpa would then systematically clear the board. Grandpa was good at Crokinole and Carrom. Very good.
But the best part is the part of the feelings of family.
These days with my Uncle Ben and Aunt Joyce have been real good. So many memories have flooded back.
Now this Ben that I share about made a difference in my life in a big way… by example and by faithfulness.
44 years ago about now I had called him and asked if he would perform our wedding in September 1967. He agreed and the rest is 44 wonderful years of family… more and more family.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
Carrom - Flash backs to the Farm at Truax
Last evening we sat around the dinning room table playing games. My Uncle Ben and my Aunt Joyce, along with my Mom, played crokinole first and then carrom.
Whoa – what a flash back!
Many, many years ago I learned to play crokinole with my Grandpa Kirkpatrick. He was amazing to say the least. Could he ever shoot!
He also taught us how to play carrom.
Now Grandpa Kirkpatrick had moved from Iowa with his family to southern Saskatchewan to farm in about 1905. I always knew that everything we did on the farm was pretty much like they did it in Iowa. Although I had never been to Iowa at that stage in my early life… it was that our family had solid American Roots which we had a pride in.
None of my friends at school had that kind of “special” heritage. Their families came from the Ukraine and Poland and maybe Germany… but not the USA! And everybody knew the USA was the best… after all they had defeated the Germans and the Japanese by that stage of my life and to be a G.I. was the best. And you always made the girls and the little brothers be the “Japs” or the “Krauts”… and we Americans would defeat the enemy.
So having a Grandpa that was American was only too cool. And having that Grandpa teach you games that he knew from back home in Iowa was amazing. None of the other kids had that kind of experience. Most of their Grandparents couldn’t speak English and possibly were still in the countries the kids had come from.
So in my mind Crokinole and Carrom were American games.
I would be about 10 years old when the game was played around that table.
My Uncle Ben would have been about 22 (he is 12 years older than me). And he was good at both games… but not quite as good as Grandpa Kirk… not quite.
Last night the old feeling of “family” was there again… just like being down on the farm so many years ago.
My Aunt Joyce and I beat Uncle Ben and his eldest sister(my mom)… and it felt so good! The feeling of family was the good part… beating them was okay… but family feeling was everything.
Ben and I talked about the old way that Grandpa played the game of Carrom… it was different that what I was showing him how to play. Grandpa Kirk had made our Crokinole and Carrom Boards… and provided the wooden rings for the game.
I had made my Carrom Game when I lived in Sacrborough. I had played with my Sri Lankan and my Indian friends. They had taught me that the game was one of their National Games… and everybody back home had played this.
There was a conflict in my mind that I couldn’t tell my Indian and Sri Lankan friends about. Carrom was not their game… it was our Game and it was from America. My Grandpa Kirk had never been to Sri Lanka or India… he was AMERICAN – and Americans played Carrom their way!
I couldn’t find any rings to shoot like my Grandpa had given us… and the Indian Shop Keeper in Little India looked at me as if I was nuts when I asked for rings to shoot in carrom. “You don’t use Rings in carrom, you use “carrommen” which are kind of like checkers for you Westerners… you don’t use Rings!” He looked at me like I was nuts. But I bought the box of Carrommen and went home to have my Indian and Sri Lankan friends teach me the “right way”.
Last night Ben reminded me that Grandpa Kirk’s players were Rings. And he also thought that it was American.
This morning early with the nagging thoughts and distant memories of the farm still there… I looked up on the Internet the whole story… WOW!
Carrom is from Southeast Asia. It is their game. And they do have a few different ways to play it. But they do not use Rings. But there in the last few paragraphs of the article was the reason my Grandpa Kirk knew the game.
Here it is… quoting from the Wikipedia article…
“American Carrom
American carrom is a variant on carrom derived in America by missionaries to the East, around 1890. Believing that the game required restructuring for Western tastes, a Sunday school teacher named Henry Haskell altered the game. Much of the game is the same, but the striker's weight is reduced and the carrom men are smaller. Generally, instead of disks of solid wood, ivory, or acrylic, carrom men (including the striker) are rings, originally of wood but today commercially made of light plastic. In addition, as an alternative to using the fingers to flick the striker, some of the American carrom boards uses miniature cue sticks. American carrom boards also have pockets built into the corners, rather than circular holes in the board, to make pocketing easier. While traditionally made boards vary widely, current commercially produced American carrom boards are 28 inches (710 mm) square, are printed with checkerboard and backgammon patterns, among others, and are sold with checkers, chess pieces, skittles, etc., to allow other games to be played on the same board. Often, these boards are also built to play crokinole.”
End quote.
On my 999th post of this Blog… I have had another one of my family mysteries solved. Wow!
America did play Carrom… but they had stolen it from India and Sri Lanka and Burma and Thailand and China… and it was a Missionary that had done that deed. All I know is that Grandpa Kirk was amazing.
My Uncle Ben last night told us that Grandpa Kirk would ask you to “break” the mass of Rings apart. If you didn’t get one into a hole you then gave him his turn. Grandpa would then systematically clear the board. Grandpa was good at Crokinole and Carrom. Very good.
But the best part is the part of the feelings of family.
These days with my Uncle Ben and Aunt Joyce have been real good. So many memories have flooded back.
Now this Ben that I share about made a difference in my life in a big way… by example and by faithfulness.
44 years ago about now I had called him and asked if he would perform our wedding in September 1967. He agreed and the rest is 44 wonderful years of family… more and more family.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Friday, May 20, 2011
In All God’s Glory – the Ottawa Tulip Festival of 2011
Misty Hollow Carving
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
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Today’s Blog Post
In All God’s Glory – the Ottawa Tulip Festival of 2011
I don’t have words this morning to describe what I saw and felt yesterday.
Yesterday my wife and I walked around Ottawa with my Uncle, Aunt and my mom. We did the tourist thing for sure. But what a tourist thing it was!
One part was breathtaking for sure. Another part was impressive. And other parts we downright boring (for me at least)!!! (That was the tour of the Canadian Parliament building – where a chipmunk kind of young university talked to our hot and tired group of adults like we were children – sheesh I hate tours!)
Let’s stick with the breathtaking part…
It rained a lot and I wondered how we could do what we planned. But rain stops and the overcast skies provide fantastic photo ops!
There is a hidden treasure in Ottawa… where only a few of the Canadian population ever get to see it. And actually I think that few Ottawa-onians – actually take time to stop and see it either.
That is their wonderful National Capital’s Commission Tulip Beds – or the Ottawa Tulip Festival.
Each time we have taken the time to go and walk through this treasure our lives have been touched again by unbelievable beauty. It happened again yesterday. WOW!
I will not try to tell the story over again how Canada was involved in the Second World War… and because of what our soldiers and also Ottawa did for Holland… Holland blessed Canada with millions of Tulip Bulbs and these wonderful flowers… you can read about that in many places…
But today I simply let these beautiful Tulips of 2011 tell their own story.
Be blessed with what you see….
(And forget the talking University Student chipmunks… too hot… too long… and you won’t like it!!!)
~ Murray Lincoln ~
This BLOG is sponsored by “Misty Hollow Carving”. You are welcome to visit Misty Hollow and see all of my carvings.
My Web Site is a like a Gallery – please drop in for a stroll through.
To help me promote my Web Site please copy this URL address and email to someone today http://www.murraylincoln.com/
* * * * * * * *
Today’s Blog Post
In All God’s Glory – the Ottawa Tulip Festival of 2011
I don’t have words this morning to describe what I saw and felt yesterday.
Yesterday my wife and I walked around Ottawa with my Uncle, Aunt and my mom. We did the tourist thing for sure. But what a tourist thing it was!
One part was breathtaking for sure. Another part was impressive. And other parts we downright boring (for me at least)!!! (That was the tour of the Canadian Parliament building – where a chipmunk kind of young university talked to our hot and tired group of adults like we were children – sheesh I hate tours!)
Let’s stick with the breathtaking part…
It rained a lot and I wondered how we could do what we planned. But rain stops and the overcast skies provide fantastic photo ops!
There is a hidden treasure in Ottawa… where only a few of the Canadian population ever get to see it. And actually I think that few Ottawa-onians – actually take time to stop and see it either.
That is their wonderful National Capital’s Commission Tulip Beds – or the Ottawa Tulip Festival.
Each time we have taken the time to go and walk through this treasure our lives have been touched again by unbelievable beauty. It happened again yesterday. WOW!
I will not try to tell the story over again how Canada was involved in the Second World War… and because of what our soldiers and also Ottawa did for Holland… Holland blessed Canada with millions of Tulip Bulbs and these wonderful flowers… you can read about that in many places…
But today I simply let these beautiful Tulips of 2011 tell their own story.
Be blessed with what you see….
(And forget the talking University Student chipmunks… too hot… too long… and you won’t like it!!!)
~ Murray Lincoln ~