Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rise and Shine Sunday

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Today’s Blog Post

Rise and Shine Sunday
"It is time to Rise and Shine!" Jesus said as he walked out of that grave. Thus began our Easter Sunday Tradition. So that is what I intend to do - this is My Day and I can't wait to meet it!!

This is my statement and thought today. I have an opportunity to make a difference for myself, my family and my friends. I can also easily reach out and touch another life today. Whether that happens in some simple way… or a complicated way… I have an opportunity and I will take it. It is mine!

It did start that day when Jesus had the stone rolled away from that grave he was buried in. No other religious leader in all of history ever performed a task like that. Some thought it was a trick… but I think – if it was – it was the best one ever tried… and it was the only one ever tried.

Because of a real difference that Jesus made in my life, I am free to say and do what I do. Not even my worst critic can shut down what I have experienced and have come to know. This new Life that I live is REAL! I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Today I shine.

Now there will likely be someone or something that will come along and try to make what I am living pure Hell… but that will only happen if I let them do that. (Being retired pretty much allows you to step away from people who dump on you…!)

Last evening we had a short visitor come to our house. I had called and told her dad that I had something special for her. Her name is Lina, my beautiful young, Korean Granddaughter.

We had been sorting through our old books(treasures) with our basement renovations. We had pulled out our two daughter’s old books and put them in boxes for Lina.

When Lina saw the boxes full of books she beamed from ear to ear! What a gift to bless Lina with.

She pulled out one of the books and read the cover and then said, “Hey mommy I can read this!”

I giggled inside and out when she smiled at me. I have blessed her… and she blesses me.

No old and miserable person can take that away. I am blessed and know it!!!!

Today is Easter Sunday… and I remember what Jesus did for me. It is Rise and Shine Sunday – and I love it!

~ Murray Lincoln ~  

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