Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can you imagine – waiting six weeks for a Return Letter with an answer?

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

Can you imagine – waiting six weeks for a Return Letter with an answer?
Do you remember a time that you didn’t have a computer?

Do you remember a time when you used a pad of paper and you wrote ideas down, crossed them off and wrote them again?

As we have been sorting through mountains of old books and information in our basement, cleaning up and throwing out old stuff… I came across the material from the Pre-Computer Days. WOW!

I had actually written, by hand, ideas and possibilities that I was using at the time. Talk about the old days!

I came across old material that I was involved in creating when I worked in Hong Kong. I looked at the one illustration that I created for a very special project.

I had drawn the illustration, then with great effort assembled all my things for a complete day away from my office and home. I walked down the hill from our home and climbed on the Subway System. I traveled down the full length of the Kowloon Peninsula and then the train went under the Hong Kong Harbour, through the massive tunnel. From there I transferred to a bus which took me the full length of the Hong Kong Island. I then walked up the streets three blocks to the Asian Outreach Office. There I delivered the illustration that would be placed into the publication.

Today I would have scanned it and then emailed my friend in the office with an attachment. Two clicks and it would have been there. Instead I traveled 2 hours or so to hand deliver it.

I looked through another magazine that I illustrated. The one illustration took four days to do. A drive of 30 miles and a well coordinated drop off at the Toronto Airport when I was leaving for Vancouver and the pick up was arriving from the Maritimes.

Again an email with an attachment is so much easier.

A Blog or a Web Page or any other method to communicate ideas was unheard of. Today with these new tools – I connect with thousands upon thousands with one click.

I am very old now. Remembering back to the days of sending off a letter and then waiting six weeks for a vital answer… is just so old!

Off to the Gym and then off to the Tatting Demo this AM…. Gotta run and connect with people.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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