Monday, April 18, 2011

The 5 Steps to Completing My Project

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Today’s Blog Post

The 5 Steps to Completing My Project
Axa wrote…quote..
I realized something important. Each new skill, new technology tanulásánál first comes the "suffering" phase. If you manage to get through this, and not félbehagyni not give up any excuse you can come to "get it now" phase, from then on reduce the errors. Then comes the "fun" stage. Then, if you take too long to do it, comes the "tired" phase, which is preventable, if people are doing multiple things simultaneously, and stop at certain points, and then continue later. Finally, the first tüllcsipkém done, surely I will have tüllcsipkét create an uplifting feeling was that re-emerged: the persistence of the most important ingredient for success. End quote.

Axa is a new friend from Budapest, Hungary. Axa is a Lace Maker as well. She does Tatting as well as other Lace Types. Her Blog address is listed in my Resource section of this posting or you can Click Here to go to her site.

As I read Axa’s word about her project, her words of wisdom perfectly summed up what I have been going through in the last month. These words actually apply to many areas of my life.

I will pluck from what Axa wrote in Hungarian and what the Google translator offered…

5 Stages to Success
Suffering Stage
Get it now Stage – it is now possible to reduce the errors
Fun Stage
Tired Stage
Up Lifting Stage – or Victory Stage

Axa was referring to Lace making, and probably Tatting. But this description of the 5 Stages is applicable to any area that I work in.
I want to illustrate it with the Tatting that I do as well.

In about 1977 I had the opportunity to meet me Great Aunt Clara in a Senior’s Home in Des Moines, Iowa. Aunt Clara was my Grandma Lenore Lincoln’s younger sister.

Aunt Clara was sitting on the edge of her bed Tatting. I asked her what she was doing and she told me that I should know what it was because, “Your Grandma knew how to do this and was the best Tatter in the World!”

Aunt Clara laughed when I asked her if she would teach me how to do Tatting. She said, “I haven’t got enough time to teach YOU how!” I was a little stunned with her comment and thought about it later. I thought that she meant she wouldn’t be alive long enough to teach me… possibly meaning that it took a long time to get good at it. Hmmm? But she also likely meant that trying to Tat in one short visit would not be something she could try. I was to visit her about one hour before her dinner time… and that wouldn’t give her enough time to do it well.

In actual fact both possible meanings to what she said were almost true. She likely could not have taught me… as my method of learning is different than many others. I must do something over and over again… then I get it. And I also need a little more than an hour to get it and really understand it.

I left her room that day and vowed that I would be come a Tatter!

I bought the ball of Tatting thread and a shuttle, a book and a pattern that looked like it would be pretty when I was done. I was ready before I left Des Moines that day. I climbed on to the airplane and flew to the next destination which was Chicago. My final stop was Toronto. By the time I had waited in the airports and sat on the planes I had mastered the first knotting in Tatting and had made a whole bunch of rings and a few chains.

Aunt Clara was right – it took more than an hour. But the other possible meaning to her statement was not so true. I had mastered the basics fairly quickly.

But there was far more to come… and Axa’s description of the 5 Steps were more than true for me.

Recently as we took on the project to renovate the basement the 5 Steps are happening again.

The Suffering Stage, Get it now Stage, Fun Stage, Tired Stage, and the Up Lifting Stage – or Victory Stage!

There were times that I doubted this would ever get done. But as of last evening we can see the possibilities!


When I think back however it has not always been this good. I have stopped a lot of jobs at the Suffering Stage. Or maybe you stalled at the Tired Stage?

How about you? Have you looked over the tasks that you never finished? How about the Started but Stalled project in the corner of your basement?

You may be ready to through it out soon? But what about taking it up again and going for the Victory Stage?

Thanks to Axa I will give it another try today…

~ Murray Lincoln ~  


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