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Today’s Blog Post
Why I believe in Atlantis
(For some of you that read this Blog regularly, here goes another quantum leap – hang on – from my Sony Camera - yesterday’s post to Atlantis today.)
Well why not…believe in Atlantis!?
Atlantis was a place and I love new places to visit… it is part of my age thing. I love to travel. Some people talk about being a “Boomer” at this age – but I have a feeling it is more likely a “Bloomer”… blooming where I stop over.
Now you know that I am a little nuts. How can anyone go to a place that doesn’t exist?
Further, as a Christian Pastor/Leader, you don’t believe in the fairy tales of all those years ago – do you? I mean – come on… it came from a guy named Plato who told a tall story around 360 BC!
I can remember way back when I first heard of this place called Atlantis. It had the bits and pieces in it of a complete fabrication… a pipe dream. But people were actually actively searching for it off the coast of Europe and the top of Africa.
When I heard about it as a boy in school I trucked home to ask if it was true. Then I continued to ask more questions of my Sunday School teacher too. I think the patent answer given was something to do with Myths and that as a Christians we don’t believe in Myths… we believe in the Bible.
Well that was an answer – but not necessarily one that I could swallow or accept. There was lots of stuff not in the Bible that teachers in school talked about, but Christians wouldn’t (or couldn’t).
I think the Atlantis account was so far fetched for some that they just dismissed it entirely. They felt that it was just impossible for a whole city, let alone a country to disappear altogether.
And add to that a being called Zeus that called all the other gods together to discuss the affairs in Atlantis. Then after coming to a conclusion that Atlantis was not what they liked or wanted, they did something to eliminate it entirely.
Imagine. An entire population snuffed out. But not just a population but also their whole country along with the cities and all the structures – kaboom – zap… it was all gone.
Now any good Christian knew that could never happen. God was in charge. God was not Zeus for sure. He would never do that kind of thing. That was not a “Christian way” to think.
After all, we know that Evolution is not possible. Worldly Scientist have concocted these ideas to weaken our faith… and now they are spreading stories, myths and fairytales through and to our kids in school. Zeus… yah, right!
But then the Bible had some amazing stories that my friends couldn’t believe either. There was the Tower of Babel story where everyone tried to build a tower to reach God. God didn’t like it so he confused all their languages in one fell swoop and because they couldn’t talk to each other – they spread out all over the earth.
The Tower of Babel happened after God had wiped out all the people of the earth with a huge flood that killed every body. The only people to survive were Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives – eight people.
So I could be sure of two things – Adam and Eve were my great grandparents a way, way, way back – and so was Noah and one of his sons… the light colored skin son.
That is what I learned in Sunday School and church… and believed it.
I also learned that God used Joshua to wipe out one city called Jericho… and you can’t find it today!
But long before that Lot, Abraham’s nephew, left Sodom and Gomorrah, just before God roasted everyone alive in those two evil places – by sending down Fire and Brimstone from heaven.
But Atlantis was way too hard for any Christian to swallow because it wasn’t in their Bibles.
I thought about this over this past week as Japan was shaken by the recent horrific earthquake… and then parts of the country were completely snuffed out by the following Tsunami. One minute there was a village or small city, the next there was only refuse – or maybe even nothing. The huge Tsunami simply cleaned off the entire country side with one wave in and one wave out. Swish it was gone.
Further to that the authorities are now telling everyone that the entire country of Japan moved 3 to 4 feet east on the Globe. The World itself wobbled and then steadied with its own axis shift.
Parts of the world will be closer to the Sun now and other parts further away. Global warming will become even a greater issue. And this one is not because of fossil fuel burning… it is Zeus’ fault… ooops I mean it was God’s fault.
Well I don’t know who’s fault it is… but it isn’t mine… so it must be Zeus… or God or whatever.
Yesterday an article was published that quoted Mr. Paul Bauman who is part of an international team that claims it has discovered parts of Atlantis in a Spanish swamp. On March 27, 2011 the discovery channel will broadcast the recent findings.
In an article from the Globe and Mail Siri Agrell states.. quote…
“It(the TV show) chronicles the work of a team led by University of Hartford archaeologist Richard Freund, who believes he has found the mythical advanced society of antiquity in the muddy sediment of a Spanish marsh.” End quote.
After this past week’s events and the video we have watched, one must ask if a Tidal Wave in the western hemisphere that followed a huge earthquake, could have wiped out an entire civilization and made the country disappear.
Maybe my school teacher wasn’t that far off… and my Sunday School didn’t watch CNN or CTV or the CBC TV programs.
But wait a minute… it was sin to have TV in your home when I was first hearing about Atlantis.
Today as a Boomer/Bloomer I can’t wait for an opportunity to go see what they have found of Atlantis. Well maybe I will simply watch the Discovery Channel on March 27, 2011 – or the hundreds of repeats later on.
This week the world was and is shaking still. The earthquake did that… the shifting of one massive plate under another. I understand that now.
This past few years my own life has been shaking over and over again… with new discoveries. It has not shaken my faith but rather increased it. I know now why I believe and that it isn’t wrong to ask questions… of what or why I believe.
So today… going way out on a limb… I state… I believe in Atlantis!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Atlantis Story
New Researcher statement and findings about Atlantis
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