Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
Tsunamis – Foreign and Personal
As I began to prepare my Blog yesterday I was stopped short of writing. I could say I was kind of arrested. As I began to type I stopped, then clicked on to “Google News” – oh boy.
It was then that I saw the first images rolling in from Japan. The first two videos were coming to my Laptop from the Helicopters flying over the coast of Japan. I was shocked as the whole countryside and then whole towns simply vanished under the huge wall of water that swept ashore from the Tsunami.
My world suddenly changed. Their problem became my problem. Thousands of miles away people were dying right in front of my eyes. Their entire livelihood was vanishing before my eyes and nothing could be done. Families were wiped out in a heart beat.
The suddenness of the Earthquake and then the Tsunami hitting Japan is almost impossible to fathom.
Then as the day progressed, I was at the gym working out. While doing this the large banks of TV were broadcasting even more information and videos. It was at that moment that Hawaii was being hit with the first waves… a few hours later the west coast of the USA and Canada we next.
Thinking this through and the devastation that followed… this was only one Earthquake with its after shocks. It lasted for a mere 5 minutes and then continued for shock after – aftershock.
But the devastating Tsunami was traveling at 800 Km per hour – or 500 miles per hour – non stop until it hit a land mass… all the way across the Pacific Ocean.
As I continued to follow the horror of the day… it struck me how my life had been changed in a few heart beats.
Instead of writing a new piece for this Blog I looked at my email.
Another Tsunami of sorts hit me squarely where I sat. Opening one email and then the link to more information, I discovered that a Minister I know has had his world rocked with some terrible news.
His name is Barry Boucher. He lives in Ottawa and in the course of his career as a Pastor he has been greatly used to encourage other people, at home in Canada as well as around the world.
Barry Boucher’s blog post stated – quote…
“On February 22, 2011 Joyce and I sat in a doctor’s office reviewing the results of a recent biopsy I had undertaken. While we approached the meeting in faith believing for a good report, the results shocked the both of us.
The biopsy covered all sections of my prostate and the result - Dr. G said, "You have aggressive prostate cancer!"
I have begun intensive tests to determine exactly what is happening in my body and what treatment I will need.
All of this is new information for both of us and our family. There is no history of prostate cancer and I have been given regular check-ups for years. Heart - OK. Blood pressure - OK. Colon - OK. Vascular system - OK.
During my yearly physical, my family doctor noticed a spike in my PSA and irregularity in my prostate. He sent me to a specialist for more tests - thus the biopsy.”
End quote..
In a very short time his life has shifted from a need to look after many to suddenly a need to look after himself and his family.
Cancer is like a Personal Tsunami. I can see that so clearly now.
Friday, March 11, 2011 was a huge day for me. But it wasn’t over with that morning and the later the afternoon.
We went about our routine until the evening meal… enjoyed that together and then settled to the evening work and enjoyment.
I headed to the garage to work on some more carvings that should be delivered soon.
The garage door opened and my wife told me the next bit of bad news for the day.
No not a Tsunami or more reports of cancer… but rather the basement was suddenly leaking and about 25% of the carpet and underlay were soaked.
By 11 PM I had removed most of the wet carpet. The dehumidifier was working steadily and the place was starting to dry out.
The problem…? Outside the ground is still frozen solid. Some of the ground near the house is starting to thaw. For days we have had rain storm after rain storm… and now the saturation and escape of the water has found an easy way into our basement.
God knew that I had hoped to start some renovations on our basement for the last while… so he rearranged the schedule slightly for my life… and we began last evening.
Tsunamis… and sudden change… shock after shock… unsure of the future and how any of it will work out… that was March 11, 2011.
The Ides of March are not supposed to be until the 15th… sheesh!
But reflecting back this morning… a little wet carpet compared to the other things that came into my life yesterday are not much.
I am praying for Barry Boucher today and his wife Joyce.
I am praying for millions of Japanese folk that had their world radically altered yesterday.
I am blessed today in that I can support some one else as I deal with these issues at hand. God has a plan for me.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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