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Today’s Blog Post
COFFEE – Elections – Nuclear Plants – Politicians – and COFFEE
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Canada is about to face another election that no one wants!
Our war planes are hovering over a country that could shoot them down!
No one wants another Battle field!
The Battle in Afghanistan has gone on way too long – do you know what the cost is $$$ outside of the lives that have been lost?
Japan has a huge problem with the Nuclear Reactors about to blow.
Green Peace people have found a cause near the Nuclear Plants in Ontario – but they should chain themselves to the Nuclear Plants in Japan.
The Liberal Party hasn’t a clue or a leader to vote for.
The NDP is not sure about much of anything except the local worker and maybe a Senior or two.
The Conservative Party never listens to any input or anybody.
And The Green Party is well – green.
If an election is called for or forced upon us today – why?
And the really hard thing is that I have only won three free coffees and four donuts at the Tim Horton Donut Shop Roll Up the Rim contest – and the contest is almost over now.
I have drunk about two gallons of coffee so far… blah in a short three weeks!!!
Do you really want an election?
Do you want six weeks of Negative Ads on your TV Screen?
Do I need another coffee?
I think they should nominate Charlie Sheen as the head of the Liberal Party then the Conservative Party would have a better target for the Negative Ads.
I need another c-o-f-f-e-e-e-e-e-e-e!
And I don’t want another election… but nobody is listening!!!!!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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