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Today’s Blog Post
Turning a Blogging Corner – another Milestone
On April 10, 2010 posting to this Blog I stated…
“At this point there have been 29,344 visitors to the 624 Posts that I have made since June 2008.” See reference
Today with 900 posts complete the stats read 51,745 visitors to these 900 posts since June 2008. And there have been 67,182 pages viewed.
At the present time this simple Blog is averaging 508 visitors a week and 680 pages viewed this week.
The odd thing is that the local folk that read the Blog are faithful but actually few… in comparison to the World Wide Audience.
There is deep satisfaction knowing that the content is read. It is cool to know that words make a difference and convey your thoughts to many every where.
Lately it has been interesting following the patterns that are emerging.
One Blog I posted because my friend Marion had problem buying or finding a normal Barbie doll. See reference (March 27, 2010) She was concerned with the new impression that children would get from the alluring outfits that Barbie now comes with. Her little Black Dress is more than a little bit sexy.
That Blog Posting today alone has three visitors from Albania and Australia, parts of the USA and South America. Why do they come to read? I think it is because the subject and content are important to them. They are looking to see who is having a similar problem that they are.
They want real answers from real people… not just the professional media sources.
I think I have referred to this post before. In unusual ways it had hit the top spot in my posting. That was on January 17, 2009 and I wrote about making “Breast Milk Ice Cream”
These two posts still get the most hits each week.
Like everything that we try to do, I want to do it better. I want to see if I can push the limits that I know and then arrive at a new level – doing something a little better.
I was happy with the results that my Blog has produced for me to date. But then I read of another fellow that Blogs about travel (the Hobo Traveler). In 2008 he hit 4000 posts… and at present his total visitor number is 17.987,526 and the pages viewed runs at 31,484,726! About 400 people come to visit his site each hour of every day – all 24 hours a day. Today at 7:30 AM his site has already had 1,956 folk stumble in.
Oh boy! I have a ways to go. But I have only 99 more to go before the Blog hits 1000 posts that should be about the middle of May 2011.
Yep an e-book may be in the works.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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