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Today’s Blog Post
The Power of “NOT” in a Dumb Government Document – and poor Ms. Bev Oda
It is winter time in Canada. It is cold on most days. You need to bundle up and wear warmer clothing if you go out. The heavy clothing is a burden sometimes. Not wearing it is a burden as well – you freeze your “buns” off.
As beautiful as it is… it is hard to take. We need to wait a little longer and things will get better. Spring will be here and new life will appear.
Things get better. We move away from the unpleasantness to a time when things seem to be in better balance.
Are you ready for my shift… the Federal Government is the same as winter… they need to move away from unpleasantness to a better balance.
I state the same here as I did above about our seasons… “As beautiful as it is… it is hard to take. We need to wait a little longer and things will get better. Spring will be here and new life will appear.”
For the past few months my local MP, Dean Del Mastro and his bosses have been airing some real stupid advertisements on TV about the Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff.
In the TV announcement, the sarcastic voice in the background wants you to think that Michael Ignatieff is here for only one reason, FOR HIMSELF! Cheap shots! Stupid School Yard taunting! Immature reasoning! Idiots! All these thoughts run through my head when that very stupid advertisement comes on the TV set from the local station.
It is a Progressive Conservative Party “TV Tear Down Ad” (TVTDA) of the opposition leader.
From the local station – did you catch that? So my local MP Dean is either in cahoots with this – or is very uncomfortable with its broadcast…!?
I have a game I play now… when I hear or see the TV ad coming on – I quickly grab the TV remote control and change channels. I yell – “Gotcha!” and zap the PC TVTDA.
Every time I hear that voice and the sarcastic slamming of another individual like this – I want to vote against the PCs… as fast as I can!!!!
But it doesn’t stop there. The stupid Liberals do the same! They have TVTDA as well! When they came on I did the same… grab the remote and yell “Gotcha” – zap!
Both of these stupid groups of people think that we as a public are stupid enough to swallow that kind of crap!
Not once did either of them tell me what they can do, would do, try to do, endeavour to do – on our behalf!!!!!!! We don’t know what they stand for – only what the other guys is or won’t do!
Most Canadians don’t want another election now – or maybe ever. And that is not because they want or don’t want the present Political Party in there. They just can’t stand the TVTDA that will come by the buckets.
So along with my view of our winter and coming into our spring time… I state here… “As beautiful as ‘our Government’ is… it is hard to take. We need to wait a little longer and things will get better. Spring will be here and new life will appear.”
“Things get better. We move away from the unpleasantness to a time when things seem to be in better balance.”
Oh yes I know I live in a utopian mindset regarding this matter.
Just as I had the zapping TV remote in hand and thought that maybe the last of the stupid TVTDA conquered another series of News Reports started yesterday, another major Canadian Parliament diversion came along!
Bev Oda is now the target of the ranting that goes on our parliament.
As confusing as it seems the following document was the great problem for the whole of the Government of Canada. Some idiot, some jokester, some jester wrote in the word “NOT” into a communication piece and funding for an overseas group related to Kairos.
Bev Oda said she didn’t do this back a few months ago. And apparently now she said she did. It is all very confusing.
All I can see last night was Michael Ignatieff fuming at the mouth, spittle flying all over the persons near him and on his desk. He is one mad dude. He is a tiger that has been poked through his cage. He wants Bev Oda fired! He is one upset puppy – nah not a puppy… a poodle maybe – that is going nuts when he doesn’t like something at home. The nasty mail man just came to his door and he is about to bark himself to death.
I mean why shouldn’t he? The nasty people across from him keep doing the TVTDA on him.
There is an explanation for all that has happened I am sure. And if the rant would settle down and stop spitting at each other – you might hear it.
I can think of many things regarding Ms. Oda.
Maybe the day that the “NOT” was written into the note – her grandkids dropped by the office and they helped granny and thought it was funny?
This important lady as the “International Cooperation Minister”, Bev Oda wouldn’t dare say anything about her grandkids and the fast one they pulled on grandma.
Maybe a staffer did the same as they sat beside her in a meeting. They were doodling on a piece of paper and thought this might be funny. When he or she wrote in the “NOT” and giggled with Bev.
And the thing that thinking Canadians are finally coming to grips with is – “Why would the people signing below the “NOT” – put their names to such a stupid, doodled on memo?”
Or further, “Why would some underling in a remote Government money handling department accept it as official without asking questions?”
Am I worked up? Yep. It is stupid. It is uncomfortable and not really good timing for any of this. The world is watching. Do we care?
I have watched as the events in the middle east are unfolding. Egypt’s eruptions and huge changes taking place – with people screaming, shaking their arms and hands in protest for 18 days straight, take front stage. And with all that taking place – hundreds of people died.
Then other countries in the middle east are taking to their streets and people are going to die.
Match that Canada’s crisis.
Michael Igantieff and his lashing out at the Prime Minister to fire Bev Oda… spittle and all flying.
The PC Government’s TVTDA – the most sarcastic ad possible – making the PC folk look stupid not the Liberals!
And Bev Oda standing to read a confession before her colleagues in that assembly. A gentle lady from Thunder Bay, Ontario, of Japanese heritage, that started as a volunteer for the PC Party and eventually worked herself up to a place of leadership – even as a Minister in the Government.
My heart goes out to her in every way. I am very sad for her.
Her graciousness and her deep embarrassment over this all will likely have her quietly leaving the scene – in disgrace.
But Michael Ignatieff will do his stuff. Stephen Harper will now use the video clips of Michael’s action in the PC’s next TVTDA.
SWISH… back in time
I am back on the school yard at Haultain School, in Regina, Saskatchewan. I am smaller than most of the kids. There is a noise across the school yard and something is happening – a fight. I walked over to see what was happening.
In the middle of the group there are three guys. Two are bigger, one is smaller. The two bug guys are screaming at each other. Their ears are red, the veins on their necks are standing out. The smaller boy is crying.
From what I can gather the one bigger boy was picking on the little boy. The second bigger boy is the smaller boy’s brother. The crowd around them was screaming now, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” – not telling what was happening – but insisting on the two bigger kids to throw some punches.
It was about that moment that two teachers waded into the group and grabbed each of the bigger boys and held them apart… told the other kids to go away.
The smaller boy was in my class and sat near me. When we went back into class he was still crying. He said that he didn’t want to come back to school any more.
The Haultain School was located in a tough neighbourhood. People fought a lot. Later I was attending another school when I graduated Grade Eight. Only one or two of the guys that I knew from Haultain made it through High School. Some died early. Others got jobs early. It was not a good place to live or go to school.
SWISH back to now…
I wish that the two teachers on that Haultain Scholl yard could walk into Parliament today and twist a few years and scoot the other kids back into the class room.
Dear Lord.. I am ready for a change… please God help us.
And today Lord – I pray for Bev Oda. Help her through this foolishness!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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