Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh No Justin Bieber got a haircut! The world will end!!

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Today’s Blog Post

Oh No Justin Bieber got a haircut! The world will end!!

I know a man that walks the rough ground at remote parts of the earth looking for Gold. He is a prospector and does okay. Looking at the lay of the land, reading reports written about the area’s geological evidence he has a pretty good idea of what might be down there…. under the ground and if he will be able to become rich from what he finds.

What has prospecting got to do with Justin Bieber’s haircut?

Well that is where you have to link Scooter Braun to Justin Bieber. Scooter discovered him.

But then you have to link in Pattie Mallette with Jeremy Jack Bieber when Pattie was 18 years old. Pattie became pregnant and started a very poor life in Ontario’s Low Income – or No Income Housing units in Stratford, Ontario.

By that time Jeremy was married to another gal from what I have gleaned and has two more kids.

You will all know that Pattie was the one that posted the Youtube Video of Justin singing. And it was at that posting that Scooter Braun discovered this young fellow singing.

There are a lot of young guys that sing and that have hair and that were never discovered.

On article reported the tragedy – the hair cut… quote…
“Justin Bieber — hipster, hoopster, Canadian of the Millennium — got a haircut yesterday. Repeat: Justin Bieber has cut his famed Hair. The Hair was approximately six years old when it was cut down in the prime of its lush life. Bieber made the decision to cut the cords for a video he was making with Rascal Flatts. No one has been arrested for the crime. Yet. The Hair was partially responsible for the wave of Biebermania that has soaked the adolescent masses and New England Patriot quarterbacks.”

The locks will not have been cut in vain. Bieber tweeted last night that he intended to donate the fallen hairs to charity, where they will be auctioned. Even in death, the Hair will continue to be a beacon of goodness for the world. “Never in the field of human civilization was so much owed by so many to so few strands of hair,” said Winston Churchill’s great-great-great grandson. End quote (popwatch)

People will pay big bucks for the hair they cut from Justin’s head.

Scooter Braun is a prospector. He knows here the Gold is. He knows Justin and his mom Pattie as well.

I live in one really weird world. I cannot tell you what it really feels like to sort through these thoughts.

Remember that Justin was only “discovered” in 2008. This year he will potentially make $100 Million. The movie about the kid made something like $52 Million this past weekend.

What am I doing wrong?

I have more hair than he does. I can sing (sort of) – certainly able to croon “Baby Baby Baby Ooooo…” over and over again.

Nobody wants to buy my hair nor do they want to hear me croon.

But the world will end – or can end now – Justin has had a haircut.

I think I need a holiday… oh boy.

~ Murray Lincoln ~






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