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Today’s Blog Post
Vegan, Freegan, Pescatarian, Fruitarian, Eggetarian, Lactarian, vs the basic Carnivore
When the first person told me that she was a vegan I was confused. Not wanting to let this person know that I had no idea what she was talking about left me a little disconcerted. Then she added that it meant that she had decided to become a vegan because it was way healthier for her personally. That really helped… thanks!
She had converted to eating only vegetables, no meat at all. She refused to continue her carnivorous life style of eating other animals. Suddenly I felt in a lower class.
(On the side…
In the church world you have ‘christians’ and then you have ‘born again christians’. When someone tells someone else that they are ‘born again’ describing their personal decision to become something extra special in Christianity… the person that hasn’t suddenly feels kind of jaded… a little less than they did before they heard the declaration. They discover that their friend or relative has converted – moved on up… and left them behind… and there are feelings… and lots of questions.
Now I know the ‘born again’ bunch that may read this will already have questioned my sanity as a ‘born again’ minister/leader for all these years. Has he lost his “bornagainism”? Nope – I just have a hard time with the fact that some ‘born agains’ – act less ‘christian’ than the ‘non born agains’ – and that is a whole different discussion.)
Now in case you are a little like me and you haven’t a clue what all the new ‘isms’ are about… I offer the following definitions to help us in our basic survival through 2011.
1. Veganism is a philosophy and lifestyle whose adherents seek to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. Vegans endeavor to never consume or use any animal products of any type. The most common reasons for becoming, or remaining, vegan are moral conviction concerning animal rights or welfare, health, environmental concerns, and spiritual or religious concerns.
2. Freeganism is an anti-consumerist lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.
Freegans "embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed." Freeganism involves choosing to salvage discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters, known as 'dumpster diving'.
3. Pescetarianism is the practice of a diet that includes seafood, and excludes other animals. In addition to fish and/or shellfish, a pescetarian diet typically includes some or all of vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, beans, eggs and dairy. The Merriam-Webster dictionary dates the origin of the term "pescetarian" to 1993 and defines it to mean: "one whose diet includes fish but no meat".
4. Fruitarianism is the practice endorsed by people called fruitarians or fructarians of following a diet that comprises fruits, nuts and seeds, without animal products, vegetables and grains. Fruitarianism is a subset of veganism.
5. Ovo vegetarianism is a type of vegetarianism which allows for the consumption of eggs; unlike lacto-ovo vegetarianism, no dairy products are permitted. Those who practice ovo vegetarianism are called ovo-vegetarians or "eggetarians." "Ovo" (pronounced /ˈoʊvoʊ/) comes from the Latin word for egg.
6. Lactovegetarianism - or lactovegetarian (plural lactovegetarians) a Variant of vegetarian: a person whose diet excludes animal flesh and eggs, but includes dairy products. Excluding animal flesh and eggs, but including dairy products.
Other than the Freegan, you had better not invite the others over for Christmas. Few will eat your Turkey or enjoy the dinner that you have prepared. Each time you pass the favourite Christmas dish their way and they pass it up… you wonder if you have fouled them or not.
(One the side again… it is kind of like swearing in front of a ‘born again’ person. You know that they are more religious than you are and that $&*# word just slipped out. &@%% it!)
Personally I have to admit… I am a basic, down to earth, good old blood letting/spilling and murdering Carnivore! I eat animals and birds and fish. I am not too particular either… the Vegan idea that veggies are good for you is also good for me. I also make sure I indulge in basic Ovo vegetarianism and Lactovarianism!
The Ovo stuff is great with the ham harvested from the basic pig. And the lacto liquid is super with hot Chocolate chip cookies.
I feel sorry for the six isms in that they can hardly watch any TV Cooking Shows. Most of these shows have really dead animal parts on the counter in front of the world to see.
Not long ago a vegan convert came to eat with us. It was a fairly big deal having this person come our way. Years ago when this person had made their conversion to veggies only… we had wondered at the sanity of it all. But hey… if you like a potato more than a hamburger… go for it.
Now my wife fussed over the right dish and warned me that there would be more veggie dishes on the table than other times and that she would be serving a meatless lasagna!
At the table this very important person told us that a decision was made to not follow the Vegan thing anymore. It was too expensive and too impractical.
I looked at my wife and then at the meatless lasagna… and then dished it up.
2011 will be interesting to say the least. Our first big outing will be on January 8th with the 39 The Second Time heading off to Asia with me. We will head into Toronto for the wonderful world that is not like ours… visiting some Temples and some very good food places.
We will be trying some different foods as well.
Right now I think I will be getting my ovoian carnivorian breakfast ready mixed with a small amount of lacto and veggies. I am hungry and all this writing about food has my carnivore stomach rumbling!!!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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