Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse 2010 – Peterborough Ontario – Minus 10 C Brrr

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Today’s Blog Post
(Photo borrowed from National Geographic - it looked similar to this - but my little camera couldn't do it)

Lunar Eclipse 2010 – Peterborough Ontario – Minus 10 C Brrr

I did it! I saw it! I expect my world to change overnight! And what I saw and did – will not happen again for 456 years!!! The last time it happened was in 1638. Too amazing really when you think of it!!!! Wow!

I stood on our side deck and watched the last half of the Moon being uncovered from the shadow of the earth. And I nearly froze to death – it was Minus 10 C….! Now add to that I was still in my pyjamas… brrr

There will be other Lunar Eclipses… but never again in my lifetime on the Winter Solstice in Canada… and on my side of the earth – which I know I will not be there 400+ years from now.

As I started musing about this…my house was in a forest 372 years ago and Peterborough was but a gleam in some settler’s eye. The one that happened before that was way before the White Man ever knew that North America ever existed…and before the Aboriginal Folk knew they would get enough new neighbours to rename their country.

Mind you, if I am not mistaken, nothing happened in the other half of our globe.

And when I go back to 1638 and perhaps somewhere in the 1200s – no Aboriginal Man in his right mind would get out of his sleeping quarters to stand in his Pyjamas at Minus 10 C… Only a white man would do something that nuts!

Too crazy for words.

What it does show me is that we are Media Swamped.. encompassed… swallowed up… gobbled up… and don’t even understand the full affects yet. We are pressured internally to wonder… to fear… to question… to run like silly rabbits that are frightened to death for what might happen… because the reporter told us so.

My mom shuffled into my office last evening and asked if I had heard that there was going to be a Lunar Eclipse? I assured her I had… about a million times already. She was a wee bit questioning if she was about to miss something.

Mom likes to go with us to see stuff and do stuff. She likes to be in on everything that is going on.

The thought of her being roused at 3:00 AM – 4:00 AM – 5:00 AM and standing in her pyjamas on the side deck… was kind of funny. She is one month and seven days away from turning 90 years old. But she still doesn’t want to miss it.

The young, enthusiastic weather man that the local TV Station is her favourite to listen to. I know she doesn’t understand half of his Meteorological description of everything… but he is entertaining for this old girl!

I assured mom as she left my office that there probably would be clouds above us and it would happen as we slept.

There were no clouds and it was happening as she was sleeping. I didn’t get her up. Today the weather man will show some his photos I am sure…

Now the media tried to stir things up again about stuff happening in Ottawa, our National Capital City… where our Government Elected warriors are preparing to exit the city… threats of a possible election being called in early new year… Hummph!

Nope.. we don’t want it… yet maybe it would be good to do this in January at Minus 25 C – it would sure prove and show which Politicians meant business and would knock on my cold door… hmmm!

The Lunar Eclipse has come and gone. Not much has changed in my world so far – except maybe I am one night closer to my last sleep on earth… and one day closer to having to get some Christmas Presents for my wife!

Yikes I gotta run with that thought. WalMart is open 24 hours now… I can get there before… oh boy.. gotta get that last thing done!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

Photos of last night's Eclipse
History and Info

1 comment:

  1. Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 34:4, Ezekiel 32:7, Revelation 6:12, Joel 2:31, all these verses refer to the moon turning red as blood - just like in this picture. If you were watching it in a heavenly vision, how else would you describe it? In 2015 there are solar and lunar eclipses scheduled. Are we in the end times yet?
